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"No! It's mine!"

Jisung looked over at the two kids arguing at the playground near the slide. "Give it back! It's mine!" A skinny kid said in broken Korean pushing the other kid onto the wood chips. The kid who was on the ground started to cry while still holding the toy. "I'm not giving it! It's mine!" Jisung was struggling as both of them didn't sound like Korean was their first language at all.

"You're lying! It's mine now give me it!" The boy crouched down, slapping the crying boys hand forcing him to drop the toy. He grabbed the toy blew a raspberry and walked off with the toy.

Jisung had thought the impact the boy had on the crying one was so cool and he'd gotten influenced by his actions and started to do the same things and throwing a tantrum whenever he doesn't get his way. Somehow he'd gotten noticed and became friends with the boy fast. "Winwin!" Jisung waved the boy down to sit at his seat. "Nakamoto really pisses me off. He's just a big liar and he's been lying since kindergarten when he stole my favorite toy."

"So why don't you permanently do something about it?" Jisung suggested. "What do you mean by permanently?"

"Not like kill him, but give him a beating a little worse than you've been doing." The Korean said. The other boy debated.

"So are you gonna do something about it?" Jisung asked. "Yeah, we will."


"I didn't take it! I swear!" The Japanese boy said laying on the ground. "You're lying again! I seen you with it last hour." Winwin kicked the boys side rolling his eyes. "You're really making me mad now. Jisung help me out?" Jisung who had just been watching from behind the older, walked over to the crying boy, grabbing him by his collar, "Where the fuck is it?" He questioned, staring dead into his eyes.

"I honestly don't know!" Yuta cried, scared for his life. Jisung threw him back onto to the ground, he placed his foot on his sternum putting pressure and turning his foot. The Japanese cried out in pain. Winwin and Jisung both began kicking, punching, and doing whatever they could to hurt the boy. Winwin pulled him up by his hair, allowing Jisung to have better shots at his face. "This is your last chance. Where the fuck is it?" Jisung said sternly, tying his tie around Yuta's neck. "I don't-" Jisung kicked him in the chest, hard enough to knock him out of Winwin's hands. He sat on his stomach, punching his face repeatedly. "Wait, your gonna kill him Jisung!" Winwin complained, quickly trying to pull Jisung off of the boy.


Jisung shot awake. His breath uneven and heart racing. He looked around the room and sighed as he seen the plain white walls of the hospital. "Fucking hell." He placed a hand on his heart trying to calm himself. He was content as he hadn't seen neither boys since he was admitted to the hospital or his last year in high school.

Getting up out of the bed about to open the door but it opened before he could place his hand on the door knob. "Oh, Doctor Suh." Jisung acknowledged the other. "Can you take me to the cafe?" The younger asked. Johnny simply nodded leading the other out into the hallway.

While walking down the hallway, Jisung hears another door opened and hears it closed back before hearing some heavy footsteps.

"Good evening, Doctor Suh." A familiar voice said. "Oh hello Sicheng. Where are you headed?" Jisung froze in his spot once he heard the name. "Oh I was gonna ask Ms. Joy to take me to the café."

"Oh me and another patient are going there, would you like to come along with us?" Johnny proposed. Jisung looked up to where Johnny was talking with the other patient. The two made eye contact fast and Jisung was just as fast to break it by looking down.

Oh, so that's why it was so familiar to Jisung.

The other patient smirked before looking back at Johnny and giving his answer. "Sure, why not. I don't wanna waste Ms. Joy's time when I can just go with you."

"Come along then."


Yuta was sitting at the table with Jaemin and Taeyong in the café simply chatting about anything they could.

"I never saw the two again after my Junior year of highschool." Yuta said. "Oh my goodness, that's actually terrible." Taeyong mentioned.

"When I see them I'll give them a piece of my mind!" Jaemin said putting up his fist and moving them in circles making the two laugh.

"Although, I do think that little Jisung kid Chenle is on about sounds familiar. But there are a lot of Parks and Jisung's so there is no real way to tell until I see his face." Yuta commented.

"You're right about that." Taeyong chuckled.

The door creaked open of the café and all three boys snapped their heads over to the door.

Yuta seeing the two boys immediately put his head down digging into his food.

"Yuta slow down you'll choke!" Taeyong scolded Yuta.

"Sorry but I know those two boys." Yuta said mouth full of food.

"You do?" Jaemin asked. "Who are they?"

"The two dudes I just told you about."


Jisung really thinks life decided to hate him today. Not only did he have to walk by someone who he used to bully people with, but also the same kid he'd dropped because he got tired of him.

Now, walking into the café he sees a familiar of his bullying.

Yuta Nakamoto, he feels sympathy for the boy now. But, why was he here?

Jisung thinks for a moment before someone is snapping a finger in his face. "What did you want?" Sicheng asked. "Oh, a mini fruit cheesecake."

Hearing the other patient snort at his choice he immediately turns and glares at the boy. "Got a problem with something?"

Johnny turned his head and looked at Jisung. "Jisung not right now or today." He told the younger sternly.

"Whatever." Jisung rolled his eyes. Now that's the reason he dropped the other.

Once they'd all gotten their things they sat down and ate their food in peace. Until Dr. Suh said something to the table next to them.

"Oh! My old patients! Yuta, Jaemin, Taeyong? How have you all been?" The American conversed.

Jisung sighed. "What's wrong? Got a problem?"

"Winwin, respectfully, and I mean this in the most respectful way I can say it-" Jisung got cut off by the Chinese. "I get it just speak."

"I take it back, fuck off please." Jisung said rubbing his temple, getting mad already.

The door to the café opened again revealing 4 others. Jisung really thinks this day couldn't get worse than being in the same vicinity as three people he has snapped on.

"Jeez Chenle why are you everywhere."

"I was dragged here by Mark, Haechan, and Jungwoo thank you very much." The Chinese said from behind him.

Jisung jumped in his seat. He cursed his life in his head.

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