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Loud sirens continued in the hospital. Thinking about the others, and how much it would affect them and their disorders and cause a whole other problem. For heavens sake they didn't even know what was going on other than hearing screams, loud banging, and footsteps and that annoying reporter voice on the intercom.

"I'm gonna go fucking insane if this goes on any longer." Yuta stated. "And if that repeated announcement goes on for any longer, I swear I'm gonna cry."

"You swear a lot you know." Xiaoyang stated. "Who asked you for your opinion?" Yuta snapped back.

Just before Xiaoyang could say something else they heard a yell and a calm voice, seemingly coming from down the hall or, right by their door.

"Sir, it's 1 A.M.. please calm down we cannot let you go in any more rooms causing more trouble, especially not that one."

"Just let me go in there dammit! There's nothing wrong, and nothing will happen if I go in there!" The male voice shouted out.

"Sir you've hurt 3 other patients, knocked one out and currently have blood on you. If you go into that room you will trigger at least two people in that room." The nurse told the boy. Taeyongs face went to stone hearing the mention of blood. Yangyang froze in his spot immediately taking Taeyong and Chenle to the other side of the room.

"What are you doing Yang?" Taeyong asked. "If the door opens hide Chenle, and don't look by the door please?"

Taeyong just looked at the youngest feared face and nodded considering he'd been there just a little bit longer than him despite him being the older one.

Jaemin was still standing up by Yuta but consistently scratching the palm of his hand and also biting his lip. "Jaem, stop that before you scratch off your skin please."

Jaemin turned to Yuta and nodded his head, hands immediately finding his gown and rubbing his hands on that.

All five boys jumped when they heard a banging sound on the door. "Open the fucking door dammit!"

"We have to Midazolam inject him please go get the materials." The nurse said sounding like she was in a struggle to keep the other patient off the door but still remaining calm.

Chenle froze as he heard a click on the door and was immediately met with Taeyongs chest hiding himself.

"Which one of you idiots didn't lock the door?" A deep voice said from the door.

Chenle realized. He recognized that voice. It was Jisung's.

"I thi-nk I'm gonna thr- throw up.." Taeyong said muffled as Chenle was let go and Taeyong went to the corner of the room.

"Sir, let's get you out of here." The lady picked the boy up once again and Jisung was still struggling against her and finding every which way to stay in that room. He was not giving up.

Two nurses quickly ran up to which they recognized as Kun and some other nurse. Kun helped out the other nurse in keeping the Korean still while the younger injected the boy as his body visibly relaxed and stopped squirming around.

Kun let the nurse take care of Jisung and went to tend to the current patients in the room. "You guys didn't get hurt or anything did you?" Kun asked worriedly while checking each and every one of them.

"Im okay, but Taeyong passed out." Yuta said pointing at the boy on the bed with throw up residue on the side of his mouth. Taking a big sigh he asked Renjun to finish taking care of the other patients while he tended to Taeyong and the younger nodding. "I'm sorry for this Renjun, It's your second day and it's already been chaotic both days."

"Don't worry Kun ge, it's alright I signed up for this job, remember?" Renjun chuckled and walked to the other patients. Looking at all their conditions he walked up to one who was frantically biting his lip and rubbing his hands on the gown and feet scraping the floor. "Hey, hey. Deep breaths.. uhm.." The younger looked at the crooked name tag on the boy. "Jaemin. Take deep breaths, In. Hold for five seconds. One, two, three, four, five. And let it out."

After taking 5 deep breaths the boy calmed down way more. "Are you good enough for me to move onto another patient Jaemin?" Renjun asked.

Jaemin nodded but still rubbed his hands together constantly. "Your not calm enough. Here." The shorter took the boys hand and made shapes into the palm of them. "There you go. Try to lay down again, m'kay?" And walked off to another patient.


After all the chaos was cleaned and cleared up everyone was still sitting up, awake in the pure darkness.

It was comfortable silence they were in and no one wanted to break it. But, Chenle needed answers so he decided to be the one to break it.

"Why was Jisung over here and so adamant on being in here?" He asked. "Did you do something to Hendery, Yang?" Chenle asked. Said boy shook his head then remembered he could see. "No, we were just together a while ago and he didn't seem mad at all."

"I wonder if Dery is okay now that I think about it. That must've really fucked up his head." Yangyang said worried about the older. "I'm sure he's okay."

Humming to an agreement they all went back to being silent and not sharing words with each other till they each fell asleep either with each other or separately in their beds.

Except, Chenle and Yangyang. Just there with questions that needed to be answered but never asking or attempting to find it.

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