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i'm sorry but i had to throw in a couple g bites to this.
(i'll do jump the gut when i figure out what the fuck del's saying)
and sorry if i get any of this wrong, i'm doing this off the top of my head.

g bite one:

murdoc insisted on taking a picture of us in our halloween costumes (noodle forced us into halloween, we couldn't say no to her). we were all stood waiting for murdoc to start the timer but he couldn't figure out how to work the camera.

"alright hang on, hang on! yeah this is gonna look great" he says as he runs over between me and russel and posing.

i start laughing at him and russel sighs at him, dragging a hand down his face.

"mudz man where'd you get that outfit? you can't go around dressing up as a god damn nazi! you cracker ass!" russ sighs making me laugh more.

"why not? i mean if it's good enough for lemmy, keith richards and leonard limoy then it's good enough for me innit?" murdoc tries to justify as d walks around with his arms up like a zombie, although he was a mummy.

"well you ain't them" russ says half assed while looking at murdocs shitty outfit.

"neither are they! i mean who's idea was this anyway!" murdoc shouts back. forgetting this was all his idea.

"it was yours!" russel shouts back shoving a finger in murdocs face.

"man i would never have chosen this outfit! i have an appreciation for fine clothes... petticoats an stuff? maybe some... del monte shoes... look like dorothy from the wizard of oz" russel says, throwing his hat at stu halfway through.

"well why didn't anyone tell me it was crap!" murdoc shouts as his pants fall down, making me collapse on the floor laughing.

g bite two:

stu was trying to knock out russels eel in the kitchen and me and murdoc were hungover as fuck.

"for the love of sweet satan my head!" murdoc shouts as he gets up and bursts into the kitchen as i groan in pain.

"what is that banging? stop that banging!" he shouts making me groan and walk into the kitchen.

"it's this eel! russel told me to knock it out so he can cook it for dinner" d says looking up at me and murdoc.

"stop it banging! stop it banging!" i shout as i hold my hands over my ears as d looks back down at the eel.

"i can't catch it! look it's so slippery! i- i can't kill it!" he whines looking at me for help.

"can't kill it? what do you mean you can't kill it? i'll show you how to kill an eel you grab the bloody thing and melt it's face!" murdoc groans, grabbing the eel out of the sink and taking it over to the hob.

"no! nononono! no!" d screams making me stifle a laugh.

"melt it's face! melt it's face!" murdoc laughs while pressing the eel's head over the hob.

then russ walked in.

"ayo mudz! where's my eel at?" he says looking between stu who was biting his nails, and murdoc who was now holding the dead eel with a melted face.

"where's my eel? where's my eel?!" russel says getting pissed off with the pair of them.

"it don't feel to good" murdoc says trying to hold back a laugh as he holds the eel up.

"it feel... eel" he laughs, making me laugh at his awful joke.

g bite three:

the five of us were sat on the sofa looking at the action figures of the band.

"these action figures are useless! my head don't wobble like that!" stu says shaking the head on his action figure.

"sure it does d" i say standing up and rattling his head with his neck and putting him back down after a couple seconds.

"willow! willow! do it again!" murdoc laughs as i shake my head.

"no i already feel bad" i say as russ stands up and shakes d by the head ten times harder making us all laugh.

when russ put him down his neck was like... zigzaggy... he stuck his tongue out and coughed, trying to catch his breath making us laugh more.

celebrity take down. /2d gorillaz x oc/book oneWhere stories live. Discover now