your a niccals love

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willows pov
a month later.

every single day for the past month we've been sat around the table pitching ideas for the film... apart from stu he knew to be patient with murdoc. but now he was able to pitch ideas and just to take the piss me and him were pitching stupid ideas which made murdoc... livid to say the least. he went on a bender and hasn't been downstairs today which was weird because most of the time he is down here. "we're getting nowhere with this someone go tell mudz" noodle sighs leaning back into the sofa closing her eyes and russel and dents both look at me. "for fucks sake fine i'll do it" i groan as i get up walking up the stairs helping myself into murdocs room. "wake up asshole these ideas aren't getting anywhere" i shout as i shake him awake earning a pillow to the head. "fuck off let me think about what i'm gonna do about this" he mumbles putting his head in the pillow. i jump over him and get in the bed next to him leaning against the headboard pulling out a cig. "you know... maybe we shouldn't do the film... orr we could do a reality tv show type film" i turn to him as i light my cig. "yeah yeah we'll put that down and we'll consider it" he groans sitting up against the headboard taking a sip of his beer. "will you come downstairs with us?" i ask handing him the cig which he gladly puts in his mouth deeply inhaling. "ehh... yyyeah... yeah sure why not" he gets up putting jeans and shoes on before walking out the door, me following. "right... willow says maybe call the film off or we could do a reality show film BUT as a film. opinions?" murdoc asks russel and stuart since noodle was sleeping. "we'd get arrested" "absolutely not... not when you three commit crimes on a daily basis" they both answer at the same time making me giggle. "right then so we're back to square one" he sighs smashing a beer bottle against the wall. "has anyone ever mentioned the similarity between you both?" russel asks staring at me and murdoc. "what? what do you mean similarity?" i ask tilting my head looking at murdoc. "same kind of facial features except the nose because willows normal... grey skin... same hands and lips... are you two related?" when russel said that i saw stuart nearly throw up and i almost fainted. "course we're not russ" murdoc chuckles as he looks in the mirror next to us dragging me next to him and his face drops. "why do we look the same?" he mumbles looking down at me. "it may be because we uh... we spend so much time together right? you've seen that happen to people look at damon and jamie!" i laugh nervously. "you've never told us about your childhood willow... have you?" stuart asks lowly looking at me looking scared as fuck. "well my mum said i had a brother but no dad... don't know where my brother went but err... surely i'm not related to him" i laugh sitting on stuart's lap. "you can't be no offence murdoc but she's way nicer than you... she's too fit to be a niccals ain't she?" stuart says examining my face making me laugh. "you never knew your dad and i never knew my mum... where were you born?" murdoc asks his face pale as fuck. "at a halfway house? what's that got to do with anything?" i laugh as murdoc runs to the kitchen throwing up and coming back in the living room grabbing my arm and dragging me to his room and sitting me on the bed. "what? what are you doing? we're not related" i laugh as he pulls out a kit from under his bed. "i need to check. and we're checking right now before i throw up" he says putting a swab in my mouth and putting it in this machine thing (you know the one quagmire has? that's the one) "right this is gonna take a few minutes" he breathes out and stands up pacing around his room. "mate we're fine we're not related" i laugh as the thing beeps and he throws it to me. "you read it. i can't do it" he covers his eyes as i read the thing. holy fuck. i drop it on the floor and cover my face with my hands and scream. "what? what? are we?" he panicked and kneeled down infront of me. i mumble words not being able to speak as he runs out the room coming back with stuart within ten seconds. "what's up willow love?" he whispers stroking my head as i sob. "check the bloody thing dents i can't do it" murdoc groans as his voice cracks. stuart picks up the test and gasps in shock. "you two? are related? i think i'm gonna fucking faint" stuart drops the test and hugs me tightly. "it's okay... you always considered him your brother and he's always considered you his sister... don't cry love" he whispers stroking my head as murdoc walks over and sits next to me. "guess we have good intuition huh?" he giggles pulling me into him as i giggle a little bit. "this is so fucked" i laugh pulling away and leaning back onto the bed. "so your last name isn't jones... it's niccals right?" stuart asks running a hand through my hair. "well my mum ran out on me so i don't want her last name so i guess it is" i laugh. "your a niccals love" murdoc chuckles patting my back.

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