phase one

11 1 0

stuart's pov

willows been asleep for 10 hours and won't wake up so we started without her. me and murdoc have been arguing for about three hours straight because he doesn't like my pitches.
"well why don't you make some if you hate mine that much? it's not that hard murdoc" i snap at him. then he turns to me and punches me right in the jaw. "what the fucks going on up here? mind shouting im trying to sleep" willow shouts from down the hall as her footsteps approach us. "shit she's gonna kill us" murdoc sighs putting down the notebook. "us? you mean you? look at my nose!" i snap then suddenly a shoe goes flying at murdocs head. "what the fuck did you do?" she snaps at him getting in his face. "what? i didn't do anything!" he yelps as she slaps him across the face. "don't fucking hurt him mate. i'll fucking kill you" her face goes bright red and her pupils go huge. that's when he realised he fucked up. i slowly stand up and tip toe behind her but she grabs my arm. "do you have a sixth sense what the fuck?" i laugh sitting back down. further away from murdoc this time. "tell me why your arguing and why russel and noodle aren't here" she sighs sitting on the table infront of us. "they went to get food... and i keep making stupid pitches because no one else is pitching ideas" i sigh keeping my head down. "your pitches aren't stupid if this CUNT isn't making any himself when the film was HIS idea" she said angrily seething. "right you know what. we'll carry on when russ and noodle get back" murdoc sighs leaning back into the chair. "tell him your sorry for making his nose bleed" she snaps punching him in the nose. "FUCK! im sorry okay?!" he shouts clutching his nose as i hold back a laugh and just nod. "come on stu let me get you cleaned up" she smiles and holds her hand out to me which i take. but when i stand up i almost fall over. "you okay? what's up?" she says grabbing my waist to keep me up and i just shake my head. "fuck. come here" she gets me over her shoulder and carries me to the bathroom to clean my nose. "im gonna kill that bastard" she seethes getting a small package out of the cabinet. "what- what's that love?" i ask pointing at the small pink package she's holding. "tilt your head back i need to put it up your nose to soak up the blood. i raise a brow but put my head back looking down at her. she unwraps it and it has a uh... blue applicator? "love what's that?" i ask slightly panicking. "it's alright mate just hang on a second" she smiles pulling a part of it back and putting the other part slightly in my nose. "it's gonna feel weird but your fine" she says before pushing the bit outside my nose up so the... thing goes up my nose. i turn around and look in the mirror laughing when i realise what she did. "a tampon? really?" i chuckle as she nods laughing.

time skip to when russ and noodle get home.

"mudz man i ain't got an idea of what to do" russel sighs sitting down on the sofa turning on the tv. "so we have no ideas... great let's just stick to music then" willow sighs leaning into me. "2d do you have any ideas?" noodle asks tilting her head. i go to open my mouth and murdocs hands go straight to my throat. "murdoc let him go now!" willow screams as noodle starts biting his hand and russel starts shouting. after a few seconds willow and russ punch both sides of murdocs face forcing him to let me go when my face was the same colour as my hair. "you stupid bastard! what do you think your doing?!" willow screams still punching him. "love calm down" i gasp out still catching my breath. "no! you're mine! he doesn't hurt what's mine!" she screams as russel drags her away letting murdoc stand up. "i fucking hate the lot of you! fuck all of you i'm fucking leaving! fuck the band the bands over fuck you!" he screams storming out of the house. "well... he'll come back right?" i ask willow who's already put shoes and a jacket on. "i'll be back" she shouts as she runs out of the house.

willows pov. as much as i love d he doesn't get his own chapter

i ran out the house seeing murdoc just down the road. "murdoc alphonce niccals! get your arse here now!" i shout running after him and he stops and turns around. when i reach him i hug him and he lazily hugs me back. "im sorry love but. i can't with them anymore" he whispers kissing the top of my head lightly. "you're the leader of the band what do you expect them to do? you took their lives from them they can't exactly get them back!" i shout pulling away from him with teary eyes. "look willow im not gonna be in a band with a bunch of fucking idiots!" he snaps back walking closer to me. "you're a fucking arsehole murdoc. they may be idiots but there your idiots! you brought them together murdoc. you're a fucking family! don't do what mum did to you and what dad did to me. think of noodle!" i shout getting in his face. i knew i hit a nerve when his face went bright red and tears filled his eyes. "don't talk about them" he whispered a tear rolling down his cheek. "no murdoc. you don't get to run out on them when you took their lives away from them" i whisper back as he puts his hands in his hair getting more and more angry. "willow. just stop it. i'm not coming back i'm fucking done!" he screams letting the tears fall from his face. "look murdoc. i love you but seriously right now you're just like dad" i spit turning around facing away from him before turning back around to punch him. "what the fuck?" he whispers not having the energy to fight me. "come on then... don't be a fucking pussy murdoc" i laugh which made him angrier since he punched me back... right in the nose. "you've got a good punch... i'll look just like you now" i laugh looking at him. "come find me when your ready. i love you brother" i smile giving him a hug and walking away. "i love you too. keep on your meds love" he shouts to me his voice cracking. i walked back to the house and immediately started crying at the front door. stuart rushed to my side and russel stayed back with noodle. "where is he love?" he whispers hugging my tightly. "he's not gonna come back" i sob holding onto him tightly "i told him to come and find me when he's ready but he won't". he sighs and kisses the top of my head "he will come find you love. you're his sister and he loves you" he whispers as i sob harder.

so much for fucking family.

celebrity take down. /2d gorillaz x oc/book oneWhere stories live. Discover now