whats your opinion on dents?

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stu's pov

willow fell asleep on me in the car as we pulled into kong. i carried her and noodle said she wanted to be alone tonight so she was staying in my bed. i put her down on the bed and make myself a little bed on the floor. i get up and kiss her forehead "i love you willow" i whisper to her being careful to not wake her up. i take my top and jeans off and sit down on my makeshift bed before murdoc comes in quietly. (im putting their convo in italics bcs they're whispering)
"dents? sleeping on the floor"
"yeah murdoc she's just broke up with the piece of shit im not gonna sleep in the same bed as her and plus you'd fucking kill me" i quietly chuckle and cover my mouth so i don't make too much noise
"listen dents... if you wanna get with her then get with her. but if you just want her for a shag and you use her i'll put you in a fucking grave. that's my little sister and no one will ever hurt her again. you hear me?"
"yeah mudz... so uh... you won't kill me if i tell you i love her?"
"no dents... ju-just don't hurt her okay knobhead? night"
"yeah night murdoc"
it's surprising that he didn't start screaming when i told him i loved her. i put my head down on the pillow after quickly looking at willow to make sure she was okay and i fell asleep.

your pov

i woke up at around 4am in a bed that wasn't noodles... it was stuart's, i look down onto the floor and he was sleeping and he looked really uncomfortable so with him being a heavy sleeper i picked him up and put him on the bed and i let to the kitchen to get a drink and not so surprisingly murdoc was there drinking beer. "hey big brother" i smile at him and hug him then get a glass of water. "you okay love?" "yeah i'm okay i feel better now... stu was sleeping on the floor so i lifted him onto the bed i'm not gonna take his bed away from him" i laugh and he chuckles at me. "what's your opinion on dents willow?" he quirks a brow when he asks this question. it's a pretty weird question to ask when me and stu are clearly best friends. "he's uh... he's my best friend and i love him? why?" i laugh at the sudden question. "do you love him? or do you just love him?" okay now he was just being weird. "i don't know murdoc... i've never really thought about it" i giggle and stand up from the chair and make my way back upstairs and hesitantly crawl into the bed with stu. he always looked so peaceful when he was sleeping it was adorable. i leaned over and kissed his cheek whispering an 'i love you' to him before turning over and drifting back off to sleep.

stu's pov

i woke up in my bed? next to willow? she had practically rolled ontop of me. i turned my head to see the time and it was 2pm so we slept for a long time. i softly shake her and whisper her name trying to not startle her awake. "willow? wake up love" i softly say since the whispering wasn't working. she slightly jolts her head up then puts it back on my chest when she realised it was me. "come on love it's 2 in the afternoon" i smile and slightly shake her now knowing she was awake. she suddenly lifts up her head and looks at me and smirks. next thing she was sat on my lap and tickling me. "w-willow... st-stooooop" i was kicking my legs and trying to move from under her but she was strong. she stopped after a couple seconds and got up off the bed and stretched. i followed after her and she suddenly gave me a hug, we were best friends but we rarely ever hugged. i mean yeah i'd always kiss her on the forehead when saying goodnight to her and she'd always kiss my cheek but we rarely hugged. i stiffened up for a split second before hugging her back softly kissing the top of her head "are you okay today?" i whispered to her knowing she didn't really like talking about her feelings. "yeah stu i'm fine. just tired" she sadly smiled up at me and i knew she was lying. i pulled away from the hug and went to the bathroom in my room to run her a bath. she followed behind me and sat on the counter until it was done. "it's done willow. i'll wait outside for you" i smile and turn to leave but she shakes her head and i tilt my head. "don't leave me... please?" she whispered and i knew i couldn't say no. she undressed infront of me and got in the bath. her getting undressed infront of me wasn't anything not normal for us, when she was struggling to quit drugs she'd be in so much pain i'd have to bath her and change her so i've seen it all... she's seen everything of mine because well... i get hot when i'm drunk and kind of forget other people exist i guess? "stu? you alive?" she chuckles and looks at me and i quickly snap my eyes up to meet hers. "yeah i'm okay love" i smile and sit against the bath and wait for her to finish. "stu? pass me a towel?" i nod and pass her the fluffiest towel i have, she wraps it around herself and empties the bath and wraps her arms around my waist. "thank you stu... i appreciate you so much" i feel her smile against me as i hug her back. "i know you do love" i smile and pick her up and make sure her towel doesn't fall off her as i take her downstairs to eat as i remember she has trouble remembering to eat and drink 90% of the time. she chuckles at me as i roam the cupboards to find something i can actually cook. she shouts for russel while nearly pissing herself laughing at me. "your fuckin amazing stu" she laughs and i can't help but smile at her.

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