willow im sorry okay?

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willows pov.

*a week later*
when stu told me that he liked me my heart exploded. but i got scared and decided i wasn't ready for a relationship yet, when he went to sleep i went straight to murdoc.


i frantically knock on murdocs door and he rushes out and sees me almost panicking. "what's up jonesy? come in here" he puts his arm around me and guides me to the bed and sits me down. "stu told me he loves me like loves me the way i love him and i got scared and told him i'm not ready for a relationship yet because i'm scared i'll get hurt i don't wanna get hurt" i ramble and start to cry as he took me into his arms and let me cry. "it's alright love... your tipsy i can see it in your face you're just anxious and it's understandable yeah? go to sleep and talk to him tomorrow" i nod and roll over on the bed putting a pillow between me and murdoc and he laughs. "what your staying in here?" "mhm can't be arsed moving scared i'll wake up dents sorry mate" i giggle and go to sleep.

*end of flashback*
"dents you wanna do something tonight" i ask while playing with his hair while he's laying between my legs. "sure babe what do you wanna do?" i smile at the name he's recently started calling me. "watch tv and order food? maybe drink a little too?" i smirk at him as he turns his head and looks up and he smirks back. "sure why not" he winks at me. i've been hinting at uh... shagging him. but i know he's gonna wait until i make the first move even though i don't want to make the first move. it gives me anxiety because what if he rejects me? "you okay love?" he looks up at me with concern filled eyes. "uh yeah no i'm okay" i smile at him and he suddenly dives on me and starts tickling me "stuart harold tusspot if you don't get off me right now" i start uncontrollably laughing "you-you'll be fucking sorry" "as if you just full named me" he sarcastically frowns and i laugh as he gets off me. "i'm gonna go see noods" i smile and get up off the bed and run into noodles room. she throws a shoe at me but i catch it and sit on the bed next to her. "what's up little love" i smile and she looks up from her game boy and looks at me. "how's things with you and 2D?" she tilts her head as she asks me. "well. as you know i'm not ready for a relationship yeah? we're just... working on things until i'm ready you know?" she nods. "so technically you're together. but you're not official?" i nodded with a smile and she puts her head on my shoulder. "i'm so glad you're here with him instead of that bitch paula" i giggle at her. "noodle language... nah she is a bitch but for the love of god do not swear in front of the boys they'll fucking kill me" i giggle as she nods. "did you know dents was 'hooking up?' with paula before you came here? i don't know what it means but i heard him and mudz arguing about it about a week before. their words confuse me." she shrugs it off as i stiffen up. stu? paula? nah she probably heard them wrong. "murdoc and stu were arguing about paula? are you sure?" i feel my hands start to shake. "yes. i'm sure willow" my heart drops out my ass as i get up off the bed and run to murdocs room bursting through the door screaming at him cussing him out. "woah woah woah mate calm your shit" he giggles as i punch him in the face when he walks up to me. "what the fuck?!" he shouts as i drop to the floor crying. "willow?! use your fucking words mate!" he grabs my face and makes me look at him. "2d and paula. wanna explain?" i spit my words at him. "oh shit... er... did he not tell you?" he quirks his brow now bothering to clean up the blood pouring out of his nose. "NO! HE DIDNT!" i get up and punch the door before opening it and leaving screaming a bunch of words some of which i think i made up before i get to 2d's room. "YOU FUCKIN ASSHOLE!" i scream as i kick the door open and he immediately stands up with a pillow for protection. "what? what's up willow?" i get in his face and point my finger at him. "you stupid shit your SHAGGING PAULA CRACKER!" i scream at him trying so hard to not burst out crying. his face drops and his mouth opens slightly. "no no no im not shagging paula? what?" he acts confused then murdoc walks through the door. "dents mate. she knows" i cross my arms and look him dead in the eye. "i'm your best friend. we tell each other everything. who was there for you when the stupid piece of shit behind me shagged your slutty girlfriend? me. who stuck with you even though you now look like a fucking fit anime reject? ME. who's been there for you for the last however many years without leaving you once? ME. GOD FUCKING DAMN IT ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?" "wait why am i stupid?" i turn around and slap murdoc in the face. "shut the fuck up" "willow. i'm sorry okay?" stuart says as i see him tear up. "no. you don't get to cry 2d. before you told me you loved me you should've told me about paula because this wouldn't have happened" he stands there looking at me as tears pour out of his eyes. i scoff and walk out the room sitting in the lounge downstairs watching spongebob. so much for doing something with dents tonight.

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