sit your manic ass down

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a few months later.
willows pov.

we're on tour. the bands first tour and they let me come with them. me and stuart still aren't together and we've never done anything more than kissing yet. the band were currently on stage and there was a huge inflatable gorilla head floating above the crowd i knew it wouldn't end well and the tours already been shitty so far. murdoc got arrested before he even made it to the stage for something that happened 15 years ago. he had to pay five hundred thousand dollars in bail. they had negative reviews in toronto, the tour bus was a fucking nightmare and murdoc hit a fan with his bass over the head because they came on stage and then russ passed out in the middle of a song and needed vitamin injections to wake up AND someone threw up their whole liver on the stage. i zoned out backstage until i heard screaming and then suddenly the band were running towards me noodle on russel's back and murdoc grabbed me and picked me up as he ran. "you were right. the fucking gorilla head fell" stuart shouted as they ran. "you lot are a bunch of fucking idiots what did i tell you?!" i shout down murdocs ear and flick him on the head. "ow! what the fuck willow?!" he shouts as we get to the tour bus. i jump off his back and sit at the back of the bus lighting a cigarette, a habit i picked up off stu. "have you got a spare cig babe?" stu asks me looking down at me smiling as he sits next to me. i nod and pass him a cigarette and my lighter. "so what's gonna happen now?" i ask stuart. "well um... murdoc wants to move to mulholland drive so we can work on a movie with alfred clinker" he grins as i nod and throw my finished cig out the window. i call for russ murdoc and noodle and they all sit down on the back of the bus and i pull out a notebook. "what's that for?" murdoc asks lighting a joint holding it far away from noodle. "film name ideas. tell me and i'll write them down" i smile as they nod.
"whoops! there goes my career!"
"come back with that apple pie!"
"i don't like the smell of that amigo"
"celebrity harvest"
"celebrity take down"
you can easily guess which ones i laughed at. "why the fuck would you suggest 'come back with that apple pie' man" i laugh loudly. "it's funny isn't it?" stuart asks. "well yeah but stu this film has nothing to do with apple pies... whoops there goes my career is my favourite" i laugh as murdoc nods. "i like i don't like the smell of that amigo" noodle smiles sweetly at me. "that's my second favourite... but if you lot are talking professional then celebrity harvest and celebrity take down are the best ones" they nod in agreement as we pull up to our hotel, i stay sat as the four of them stand up and begin to walk before stuart stops and turns around. "you not coming love?" he laughs and walks back to me. "can't be assed walking" i frown and giggle. "come here then love i'll carry you" he smiles and takes me in his arms to carry me to our room. he sets me down on the bed and i drag him down next to me. he takes off his shirt and pulls me into him as i slowly drift off to sleep even though it's only 4pm.

forgive me another time skip.
a month later

we decided to stay at kong for a few months longer and i was doing really well with staying on my meds... until i got really busy helping the band with editing songs and helping collaborators with remixes. i completely forgot about my meds then. it's been about a week without them and i've been okay so far. well enough that the band hasn't noticed i stopped taking them. i didn't even realise until it was too late. one night stuart was asleep and i didn't feel tired at all. it was 6am and i knew the band would be awake soon so i decided to make breakfast. within half an hour i had a three course meal cooked and as soon as it was done russel walked into the kitchen seeing me cleaning the entire kitchen with breakfast out on the table. "uhhh... you okay willow girl?" he asks concerned as i look up at him and smile. "yeah i'm great! how are you russ?" i reply strangely happily. "i'm good... what did you cook breakfast for? you know you ain't gotta do that" "well you guys let me live with you so i thought it'd be nice" i smile widely at him as he nods and puts some on a plate for himself. murdoc, stuart and noodle then walked in not questioning who made the food but just putting it on a plate. "i need to shop im taking the geep bye!" i shout as i take the keys to the geep and throw my shoes on and leave through the door. i had to rush because i knew murdoc would tackle me so i didn't take this car, it's his most favourite thing on this earth.

time skip because i'm tired

i got home and was greeted with an angry murdoc with a bottle of pills in his hand. "hey big brother" i grin at him and go to walk past him but he grabs my shoulders and makes me sit down next to the front door and shakes the pill bottle infront of me. "what's this mate?" he asks firmly but concerned. "pills? i don't know" i laugh and stand up and run away from him laughing my ass off all the way up to stuart's room where i dive on him and hide under the covers. "woah love what's up?" he giggles with me as murdoc bursts through the door as i cling on to stuart. "gone for seven fuckin hours?! come back with no shoppin?! FULL meds bottle?! what's going on with you?" he shouts as he approaches the bed ripping the covers off the bed as i bury my head into stuart's arm hiding my face as i uncontrollably laugh. stuart pulls his arm away from me as he sits up and grabs my face. "willow? your meds? you've not been taking them?" i see him slightly tear up but he blinks back the tears. "i'm fine without them... see?" i point to myself. "i'm fine fuckheads quit stressing" i laugh as murdoc groans and leaves the room for a few minutes and comes back with a yogurt with my pills and a sedative crushed up in them (did i know that? no). "eat this love for fucks sake" he groans giving me the cup as i quickly eat the cup and hand it back to him and smile. "thanks big brother" i get up and give him a hug. "where did you go? and give me back the keys to MY geep asshole" he laughs but i can tell he's pissed. i take the keys out my back pocket and give them to him. "i went shop- you already know never mind... i uh... i just did laps of essex all day" i smile. "you used my miles for nothing? willow sit your manic ass down and go to sleep. if you died in that car i would never forgive myself" i frown at him as he pinches the bridge of his nose and groans. "i'm alive you fucking idiot. stop stressing" stuart softly strokes my hair. "jonesy love... it's true. he wouldn't ever forgive himself. none of us would. promise us you'll stay on your meds?" i groan and nod at him and roll over hugging a pillow suddenly feeling tired as i fall asleep.

stu's pov

"did you drug her?" i look at murdoc clearly pissed off. "dents mate. we didn't even notice she wasnt on her meds i did what i had to" i nod and he leaves the room closing the door behind him as i take willow into my arms and sigh while i drift off to sleep knowing she'll be stuck in her episode for at least a week before she returns to normal, even if she takes her meds.

celebrity take down. /2d gorillaz x oc/book oneWhere stories live. Discover now