a couple drinks

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this is almost finished but i promise something will happen between stuart and willow before it ends willows pov
a few days later

me and murdoc agreed that stuart should be the only one to know we're related right now. we were busy with thinking of ideas for celebrity take down and we couldn't have anymore stress. "i wanna take you out today" stuart smiles. "why? where?" i ask putting my head on his chest as i watch the tv. "we could go get a couple drinks?" he suggests looking down at me sweetly. "sure... i'll go get ready now" i smile back and run upstairs and decide on short black shorts and a black bralette with converse and id just put one of stuart's jackets over myself. on cue he walked through the door and his jaw dropped straight away as i turned to look at him. "what? woah mister eyes up here" i laugh as his eyes fall to my chest. "sorry love... you're just... beautiful" he whispers as he walks closer to me. "thank you... when do you wanna go?" i smile at him kissing him softly. he responds by kissing me back harshly pinning me against the wall pulling away after a few minutes. "i'd rather ravage you than go out" he whispers in my ear kissing my cheek. "y-yeah... maybe later bluebird not now" i laugh nervously, we weren't together officially yet and it's been a few months since me and ryan broke up so i'm not really... ready you know? "it's okay love i was only joking i know you're not ready yet i won't pressure you" he smiles and softly kisses me before opening his wardrobe passing me a black jacket with a red 'G' on the back. "thanks love" i smile putting it on and walking downstairs and getting into the car waiting for stu. after a few minutes he got in on the drivers side and started the car. "why are you taking me out? we never go out unless it's with the band" i ask looking over at him as he starts driving. "because you deserve to be took out willow" he smiles and holds my hand keeping his eyes on the road i nod as he pulls into the car park. "we'll just have a quiet one... i'll have a few beers then we'll go back home okay?" he says getting out of the car. "okay i want a few jack and cokes... will you order them for me?" i ask holding his hand as we walk to the bar and he nods. "why are we here stu?" i ask confused because we never EVER go out unless we're with the band. "just thought it'd be nice to go on a little drinking date. don't you?" he asks before ordering our drinks. "yeah... it's nice" he passes me one of my drinks and i down it all making him raise a brow. "i brought you here to ask you something... and give you something okay?" he says smiling warmly at me as i slowly nod. "what is it?" i ask taking a sip of my drink as he pulls something out of his jacket. "you look beautiful tonight you know?" he says kissing my forehead. "thanks stu... you look good too" i smile. "i wanted to give you this to thank you for always being here for me since before the whole band started. i love you and i'll always be happy you met murdoc that night or i don't think we would've ever seen each other again" he smiled fiddling with something in his hands. "i love you too stuart... before i met him i always thought about you. i wondered what happened to you where you went" i smile fighting back tears as he grabs my hand. "before i give you this. promise me you'll never leave my side and that you'll never take it off" he says holding out a thorn band ring. for fucks sake stuart. "i promise... did you get a thorn band because it hurts to take off?" i giggle as he puts it on my right ring finger. "yeah i guess i did" he laughs kissing me softly. "now what's the question?" i ask taking another sip of my drink. "i wanna know... if you would... if you uh... will you- will you be my girlfriend willow?" he smiles fiddling with his fingers. "of course stu" i smile and he pulls me in for a kiss which i gladly return. "wanna go home love?" he whispers in my ear. i chuckle and nod feeling the affects of the drinks when i stand up.

little time skip to when you get back

"so what's going on with you two? where'd you get that ring and why are you over each other more than usual?" murdoc asks sitting on the sofa next to us. "well we're together now" i smile as he smiles and hugs me. "stu mentioned it before... remember the night we met?" i ask him taking a sip of his beer as he laughs. "that night was a fucking mess mate... you pulled that girl shagged her then passed her to me" he chuckles loudly leaning back into the sofa. "well great minds think alike right?" stu laughs making murdoc burst out laughing. "niccals all think alike. i wonder if we have the same dad" murdoc says pulling out a cig passing one to me and stu. "maybe... when were you born old man" i laugh making him playfully slap me upside the head. "sixth of june 1966. when were you born asshole?" he laughs. "february first 1975" i reply making him raise a brow. "your older than dents? you look at least 5 years younger than him" he laughs making stuart scoff. "i'm not a pervert mudz" stu laughs. "yeah tell that to your many baby mothers" murdoc says under his breath not knowing i heard as my face drops. "what?" i whisper standing up and looking at them both looking like deers in headlights. "don't look at me like that. repeat what you just fucking told me" i sigh pinching the bridge of my nose. "erm so basically dents over here has uh... had his share of women and... doesn't know what it means to pull out or use a condom?" murdoc whispers loud enough for me to hear as stuart hides his face in his hands. "you best be fucking joking right now" i laugh as murdoc shakes his head no. "remind me to never have sex with him" i scoff and walk to mine and stuart's bedroom taking off my clothes and getting into bed. a few minutes later the door opens and i feel the bed dip twice. just fucking great. "unless you want me to knock you both out get the fuck out now" i groan. "look love i'm sorry okay? it was before we even met" stuart sighs resting his head on mine. "whatever" i sigh putting my head in a pillow then i hear murdoc whisper to stu. i didn't hear what he said but i felt stu nod and then murdoc left. "what did he say?" i ask turning to look at him. he pins my arms down on the bed leaning over me. "i love you. okay? i'm sorry" he whispers kissing me softly. "okay stu i love you too i don't care" i whisper back shutting my eyes. "i'm sorry" he whispers in my ear kissing it gently. "i know" i whisper back as he wraps his arms around me tightly. "you look so pretty you know?" he says stroking my thigh with his hand. "thanks stu" i smile leaning into him. "you're welcome baby... do you wanna have fun tonight?" he smirks against my neck. "what kind of fun?" i chuckle as he moves his hand further up my thigh so it's right next to... you know? "any fun you want" he whispers kissing my neck sucking on it slightly. i chuckle in response not knowing what to say. i wanted to but i didn't know how to express that. "i'll take good care of you... you know that right? if you don't trust me to not pull out i do have hands" he chuckles putting his hand at the top of my stomach slowly moving it lower as my my breath hitches. "s-stu?" i whisper my voice slightly cracking and he looks up at me. "yes love?" he whispers back looking me in the eyes. i turn over to face him completely and smash my lips onto his. "you're so beautiful" he whispers before kissing me again as he puts his finger on my clit making my breath hitch again. "please" i whisper making him smirk. "please what baby?" he says teasing my slit with his fingers. i hide my head in his shoulder as he chuckles slowly putting once finger in me making me gasp. "you okay love?" he whispers in my ear slowly curling his finger inside of me. i nod frantically as he adds another finger curling his fingers quickly. "you're such a good girl... don't let murdoc hear you though" he chuckles as i softly moan in his ear.

time skip before i make you all cringe

"you okay love?" stuart asks licking his fingers clean as i nod tiredly. "come here we can go to sleep now. we have to carry on working tomorrow" he whispers opening his arms for me. "goodnight love" i mumble putting my head on his chest and shutting my eyes. "i love you willow" he whispers kissing my forehead.

celebrity take down. /2d gorillaz x oc/book oneWhere stories live. Discover now