what's up with cracker?

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willows pov.

a month later.

"murdoc would you just fire this fucking arsehole he's changing the script every single day it's wracking my brain" i groan as we get back from a meeting with alfred. "ehhh... why not we can do this shit ourselves right?" he laughs as he pulls out his phone dialling alfred's number as i nod. "alfred you twat your fired" he shouts and ends the phone making me laugh. "so guys we're gonna be pitching our own ideas and making our own script" he smiles as he turns to look at us as we nod and walk to the kitchen and sit down. "what do we want for dinner?" russel asks preheating the oven as we all shrug. "right we'll go for uh... fries aaaand... we're ordering food" he laughs as he shuts the fridge and turns the oven off. "soo what do we want to order?" he asks taking a seat next to murdoc. "burger king?" noodle asks as we all nod. "right willow i know what you want you want two large fries and a dr pepper and a sprite, d you want a cheeseburger with chilli cheese bites and a dr pepper, noodle you want nugs and fries and murdoc what do you want?" "i'll have what she's having" he points at me and puts his head on the counter. "murdoc that's just fries you sure you don't want a burger or anything?" i ask looking at him concerned. him and stuart have been arguing a lot since the stress of the film. "yeah yeah i'll have a double cheeseburger... fucking get me anything i don't care" he mutters as he walks away and goes up the stairs and we all look at each other. "he won't go off on me i'll ask him" i groan as i get up and follow after him into his room. "what's up mate?" i ask sitting next to him as i tunes his bass. "just stressed mate you know how it is" he groans. "yeah... if you need my help you can ask me i don't care i get bored hanging round here doing nothing" i giggle and pat his back as i get up and walk to the door. "willow. tell your boyfriend if he makes one more idiotic pitch this films not getting made" he says monotone as i nod and go back to the kitchen. "what's up with cracker?" russel asks taking a bite of chocolate cake. "ehh... stressed out you know how it is but uh stu? please stop making suggestions for the film? you'll get a beat down and i don't wanna have to kill my brother" i laugh as stuart sighs. "tell the sod i wouldn't have to if he got his shit together. i fucking hate him when he gets angry for no reason and it's always me" he groans putting his head on the table. "no! none of that! i'm not having you two fucking murdering each other! he takes it out on everyone except noodle it's not just you right now!" i shout slamming my drink down on the table making everyone jolt up except noodle, she was flat out on the sofa in the next room. "willow girl calm down we're all gonna be good" russel sighs putting a hand on my shoulder as stuart slowly stands up and walks away. "fuck" i sigh walking after him. "stu i'm sorry" i grab his wrist and make him look at me knowing i scared him. "nah it's fine" he mumbles looking at the floor as i hug him tightly. "i didn't mean to scare you im just stressed... we all are" i mumble into his chest as he hugs me back and sighs. "i know love it's okay don't worry yourself" he picks me up and takes me back to the kitchen as somebody knocks on the door. "i'll go get murdoc" i sigh running up to his room as russel gets the food from the door. "murdoc foods here mate" i shout through the door poking my head through it earning me a shoe thrown at me head. "you fucking asshole" i grumble picking the shoe up and throwing it at his eye making him scream. "yeah you don't like it do you? food asshole!" i shout as i leave slamming his door behind me walking back downstairs. "why's your eye red love?" stu asks putting a thumb under my eye as i laugh. "some ASSHOLE threw a shoe at me so i through it back harder. i'm okay though it doesn't hurt" i giggle putting my head on his chest. "here's yours willow" russ smiles putting it all on a plate and handing it to me. "thanks russ" i smile and start eating taking half of stuart's chilli cheese bites. "hey! asshole!" he groans while giggling. "sorry i just wanna try them" i laugh putting one in my mouth as my eyes widen. "these are fucking amazing" i mumble taking a sip of my dr pepper. then murdoc walks in. "you calmed down yet anger management issues?" i laugh turning to look at him and his eyes are bloodshot. i grab his food and mine passing him the drinks and i drag him upstairs. "why were you crying?" i ask sitting on the desk next to his bed continuing to eat my food. "it's coming up to the anniversary of what happened... with the dinner lady" he sighs his voice slightly breaking. "your okay mate" i whisper giving him a hug as he starts to cry. we all knew this was a sensitive subject for him and he never spoke about it to anyone but me. he pulls away and starts to eat one of his burgers. "i'm here for you big brother okay? i love you brother" i smile and hug him before walking to the door. "i know you are willow. i love you too little sister" i smile and walk out of the door going back downstairs. "you ready for bed love?" stuart asks when he sees me finishing off his drink. "yeah... if you are?" i smile and he picks me up flinging me over his shoulder carrying me to bed. "how was your day love?" he asks taking off his top and laying on the bed next to me. "boring... stressful... worried about murdoc" i sigh putting my head on his chest as he strokes my thigh. "murdoc? why?" he tilts his head moving his hand further up my thigh. again. "dinner lady anniversary. i'm gonna take him to a bar when the day comes or i'll drink with him because i don't want him to be alone" i sigh feeling heartbroken for murdoc. "oh... no wonder he's so stressed then" he rolls on his side putting his hand on my ass pulling me close to him. "yeah so be patient with him okay? i love the pair of you and i don't want you at each others throats" i giggle and kiss him softly before closing my eyes. "i will be i promise... goodnight willow i love you" he whispers before shutting his eyes still keeping his grip on my ass. "i love you too bluebird"

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