did he hurt you again?

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your pov.

me and ryan had another argument. back to kong it was... i quickly threw on some sliders and grabbed my car keys and drove to kong, it was only a five minute drive but i didn't have time to get my phone so i didn't know if they were even home but i decided i'd rather go to their house and them not be there than being beaten to a pulp. again. for the third time today. i pulled up to kong and frantically knock on the door and i can hear murdoc from inside telling whoever's knocking to 'shut the fuck up i'm coming'. so he answers the door and i immediately burst out crying and cry into his chest... he sees me as a little sister so he doesn't mind when i do this. he hugs me back and walks me to the sofa. "i'll go get dents love... wait here i'll be right back" he says and smiles sympathetically as i nod and wait for stu. a minute later he runs into the room and attacks me with a hug "what did he do did he hurt you again" he grabs my face and checks the bruises that are slowly forming on my face. "what do you think stu" i sadly laugh and look up at him with tears brimming my eyes "it's ryan... of course he fucking hurt me" he sighs and pulls me into his chest as he hugs me tightly and strokes my hair whispering to me telling me i'll be okay. i drift off to sleep in his arms feeling comfort whenever i'm around him.

2d's pov

she fell asleep into my arms and murdoc walks back in to go to the kitchen to get a beer but sits next to me on the sofa to check her face while she's sleeping. "when do you think willow's gonna break up with him?" he whispers to me. "i dunno murdoc... i wish we could just kill him and take all her pain away" i chuckle sadly while i softly run my fingers through her hair. murdoc nods and makes his way into the kitchen. i carry willow to noodles bedroom and i put her on the bed. she always stayed in here with noodle whenever she came here, which was often. noodle was out with russel getting ice cream so i put the tv on a low volume because i knew if she woke up and it was silent she would panic. i go back downstairs to wait for russ and noodle.

*time skip*

i was sat on the sofa watching south park when noodle and russ walked in and joined me and russ noticed something off so he looked at me and quirked his brow. "willows upstairs" i sigh sadly and noodle and russ both look at me dead in the face without saying anything for a moment before russ speaks up "is uh... is she okay man?" "no... he did it again" we knew we could talk about this infront of noodle because the first time willow came here since ryan started abusing her she heard her screaming shit about him asking why he beat her. ever since noodles wanted to protect her even though she's only 11 years old. "touchie... can i go see her?" noodle looks up at me sadly. i knew she wanted to kill ryan too. we all did. "yeah noods... your staying with her tonight" i sadly smile at her and with that she rushes off to her room. now it was just me and russ, i could always go to him for advice, he was aware i had feelings for willow and that i had done for years. i look at him and start sobbing and he puts an arm on my shoulder as i cry. "she'll be okay d, she's a strong girl... we just gotta... figure out how to like tell her that this isn't healthy and that she needs to leave him" he rubs my shoulder and smiles at me reassuringly "we have an intervention... tomorrow when she wakes up we need to help her russ" he nods and tells me to get some sleep as he goes to bed. i quickly check on willow and noods on my way to my room. seeing that they're okay i go to my room and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow

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