A Sword and A Star

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Suddenly, everyone felt as if the air itself got ten times heavier; raw magical power spread around the entire house like a violent storm, but not just inside the house. The oppressive weight of the atmosphere made it difficult to breathe, as if an invisible force was constricting their lungs. The dense concentration of power was almost suffocating, creating an uneasy tension that hung heavily in the air.

As Harry extended his arm, his hand outstretched and palm open, it seemed to radiate an intense aura of energy. The crackling sparks of magic danced and flickered across his fingertips, illuminating the room with an otherworldly glow.

Yet, the extent of Harry's power was not limited to the confines of the house. It stretched far beyond, extending its influence for miles and miles. It was a force that hadn't been witnessed or harnessed in centuries, a dormant energy that had been awakened from its deep slumber. The remnants of ancient magic mingled with Harry's innate abilities, creating an overwhelming surge of power reverberating throughout the land.

As if the land itself recognized the resurgence of such extraordinary power, nature seemed to respond in kind. The nearby trees trembled, their leaves rustling in synchrony with the surge of Harry's magic. The air crackled with an electric charge, sending shivers down the spines of those who were fortunate enough to witness the spectacle. It was as if a dormant force had finally been unleashed, shaking the very foundations of the magical world and leaving all in awe of Harry's extraordinary capabilities.

"Sanguis Flamma."

As soon as those words escaped Harry's lips, Peter Pettigrew experienced an intense and immediate surge of intense heat throughout his entire body, as if he had been engulfed in a scorching inferno. The searing pain and burning sensation intensified exponentially, coursing through his veins like a relentless blaze. In the wake of this torment, every single vein in Peter's body appeared to pulsate with astonishing clarity, their intricate network becoming prominently visible beneath his once-normal skin. To his horror, the once-familiar hues of his veins had transformed into a hauntingly dark and sinister shade of reddish color, a chilling manifestation of the malevolent energy coursing through his cursed body.

Peter's body trembled uncontrollably as the scorching heat engulfed him, causing the pain and burning sensation to intensify to an unbearable degree. Each passing moment felt excruciatingly longer than the last as if time itself had slowed down to amplify the torment he endured. With every heartbeat, a searing jolt ravaged his gut, akin to a sharp blade plunging deep into his core. The relentless agony surpassed even the most torturous spells, making Voldemort's Cruciatus Curse pale in comparison.

It was as though Peter's essence had become a conflagration, consuming him from within while a horde of phantom knives pierced his flesh relentlessly from all directions. The relentless assault extended beyond the mere flesh, assaulting every vital organ with the force of a heavyweight champion's blow, causing them to ache, quiver, and feel constricted. The fiery torment spread through his veins and arteries, burning with a fierce intensity that threatened to incinerate his very being. Desperation drove Peter to open his mouth wide, preparing to unleash a scream that would shatter the heavens, yet not a sound escaped his lips, smothered by the all-encompassing agony. Paradoxically, the excruciating ordeal only continued to escalate with each passing second, spiraling uncontrollably toward a crescendo of unparalleled suffering.

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