A Girlfriend

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Chapter 21 (A Dinner  with Tonks), Chapter 22 (Harry  and Sirius), Chapter 23 (Bonding), Chapter 24 (Memories of the Past), Chapter 25 (Harry's Wrath), and Chapter 26 (A Sword and A Star) are already available for Patrons.

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After his little talk with Snape, Harry, and Hermione wanted to Hang out before Christmas arrived, and without Ron, they wanted this to be special, just the two of them. Harry had promised Hermione that this Date would be one she never forgot and would be tomorrow morning.

As Harry made his way to the common room, the anticipation of flying on his broomstick filled him with excitement. When he arrived, he immediately opened one of the windows to let in the cool night air. With a swift movement, he hopped onto his broom and soared out of the window, relishing the feeling of freedom that came with flying. As he ascended higher, Harry's thoughts turned to Hermione, his brilliant friend who was always buried in a book. He knew exactly which window belonged to the third-year girls' dormitory, and he was almost positive that Hermione would still be awake, lost in one of her beloved books. Harry couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Hermione, always the studious one, keeping herself up late into the night. With a grin on his face, he flew towards the window, eager to surprise his friend.

Harry Potter soared through the cool night air on his trusty Firebolt broomstick. He glided past the towering turrets of Hogwarts Castle, his emerald green eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of danger. Eventually, he spotted the window of the third-year girls' dormitory in Gryffindor Tower. He gently tapped on the glass pane, careful not to make any noise that might alert the sleeping students inside.

As the moonlight filtered through the thick curtains, casting a gentle glow on the otherwise dark dormitory room, Harry tiptoed towards the window, feeling a rush of excitement and anticipation coursing through him. As he carefully peered inside, his heart skipped a beat at the sight that greeted him. Hermione was engrossed in a book, her delicate fingers turning the pages with effortless grace. But he knew he had to be cautious - Hermione's dorm mates were notorious for their deep slumber, and he didn't want to risk waking them up.

Hermione found herself drawn deeper and deeper into the pages of her book, her attention fully captivated by the charms and different types of magic abilities. The flickering candles cast long shadows across the stacks as she read on, oblivious to the passage of time, until a sudden knock on the window broke her concentration. Startled, she looked up from her book to see a familiar figure floating outside, silhouetted against the moonlit sky - it was Harry, suspended in midair on his trusty broomstick, a mischievous grin on his face. For a moment, Hermione couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy at the sight of him soaring free through the night while she remained tethered to the ground by her studies.

Hermione almost gasped but stopped herself knowing she would wake up her roommates. She slowly sat up and crept towards the window, her heart racing with anticipation. Hermione was stunned. She had never expected Harry to come to her window in the middle of the night, but there he was, looking up at her with a mischievous grin on his face. Harry had always been full of surprises, but this was something else entirely.

As she tiptoed towards the window, the moonlight bathed her in a silvery glow, casting a long shadow behind her. With a flick of her wand, she whispered a hushed incantation, weaving a silencing charm around the window frame to ensure that her roommates remained undisturbed in their slumber. Feeling a sense of relief wash over her, she gently pushed the window open, allowing a cool breeze to waft into the room, carrying with it the scent of dewy grass.

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