A Nightmare Slain

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"Where's the rest of your family?"

"On their way," said Ron, petting his rat, "Mum has to get some last-minute things for Fred and George. She told me to go on since I had already got my wand. It's pretty wicked, fourteen inches, willow - OUCH!" Ron buckled as Crookshanks suddenly leaped from Hermione's arms, landed on his head, and then propelled itself, spitting and hissing madly at Scabbers.

"NO, CROOKSHANKS, NO!" cried Hermione, but Scabbers had already shot from Ron's hands and was currently running around the dining hall with the orange cat right on his tail, scurrying underneath the tables and feet of other customers.

"Scabbers!" Ron yelled as he ran after the ugly-looking rat while Hermione went after Crookshanks. In a few moments, they both had finally caught their pets near the bottom of the staircase Harry had descended from nearly an hour ago.

Tom, the innkeeper, was currently glaring at Ron and Hermione for disrupting all of his customers, but Harry was quick to wave him off. The screeches and whining from the two animals were loud, very loud. Harry sat down on the bar stool as he sighed, and silently apologized to Tom, who was behind the bar. This was bound to cause a fight between Ron and Hermione.

"Hermione, how could you let that thing attack me?" yelled Ron.

"He didn't mean to, did you, Crookshanks?" said Hermione, petting the cat's head.

"And what about Scabbers?!" exclaimed Ron, his voice getting high at the end, "He needs rest and relaxation! How's he going to get it with that thing around?"

"Honestly, Ronald, you're being dramatic!" Hermione defended before turning to Harry, "Back me up on this, Harry, please."

The green-eyed boy shook his head with a small laugh, "I'm not getting involved."

"See!" shouted Ron.

"Harry isn't going to say anything because he knows I'm right and doesn't want to upset you! I'm warning you, Hermione, keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers, or I'll turn him into a tea cozy!" Harry rolled his eyes.

"It's a cat, Ronald! What do you expect? It's in his nature!" yelled Hermione, holding back Crookshanks, who was prepared to pounce again.

"A cat?" questioned Ron confusingly.

"Is that what they told you?! It looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me!" Hermione scoffed, "Oh, that's rich, coming from the owner of that smelly, old shoe brush!" The bushy-haired girl turned to her cat and whispered softly but loud enough for Ron and Harry to hear.

"It's alright, Crookshanks; you just ignore the mean little boy."

"Oh, for goodness sake," Harry muttered.

"Would you please calm down, it is only the beginning of the year; we haven't even arrived at Hogwarts yet, and you are all bickering like kids?" Harry said strictly with a smile. They would soon leave for Hogwarts, and a part of him was missing Tonks. She told him yesterday that she would be busy and apologized to him for not being with him on the train, but promising they could spend time together in Hogwarts since she would be one of the many Aurors there.

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