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"Lily and James," he cries out with a voice that trembles, each word laced with sorrow and incredulity, "Sirius! How could you? Betray me - Peter Pettigrew - and our sacred bond as the closest of mates?"

Without warning, the world erupts in a cataclysmic explosion, sending shockwaves of chaos and destruction rippling through the air. In the blink of an eye, his instincts kick in, prompting him to summon an impenetrable shield with a mere flick of his wrist. The shield materializes just in time, barely managing to withstand the overwhelming force unleashed by the explosion.

As the deafening blast subsides, Sirius finds himself momentarily disoriented, his vision blurred by the remnants of the blinding white light. Slowly, like a wary traveler navigating through unfamiliar terrain, his sight begins to return to him gradually.

To his disbelief, Sirius discovers he now stands amidst a smoldering crater, a once bustling street reduced to a desolate wasteland of twisted metal and charred debris. The morning, which had begun so promisingly, now lies shattered and fragmented like a broken dream. The air hangs heavy with the acrid scent of destruction while lifeless bodies litter the ground.

In the midst of this apocalyptic scene, Sirius catches a glimpse of a familiar figure, Wormtail, vanishing into the depths of the sewage system. A surge of conflicting emotions washes over Sirius, and all he can do is surrender to the sheer absurdity of the situation. A hysterical laughter escapes his lips, echoing through the desolate landscape, as he contemplates the irony.


In the wretched depths of Azkaban, Sirius Black found himself engulfed in a relentless symphony of agony, the excruciating pain coursing through every fiber of his being. The damp, oppressive air clung to his skin like a malevolent specter, intensifying the torment that seemed to emanate from within the very walls of his cell.

As his senses were assailed by the anguished cries of his fellow prisoners, each piercing wail a haunting reminder of their shared suffering, Sirius could not help but feel an icy grip tightening around his heart, as if the frigid despair of Azkaban had seeped into his very soul. Lying on the stone floor, he shivered not only from the biting cold that permeated the prison but also from the bone-chilling realization that this place held him captive in its clutches, both physically and mentally.

Sirius wasn't sure which one was worse, Azkaban or the Crucio Curse. As the shadows enveloped him, obscuring his vision, Sirius strained to catch even the faintest glimpse of his surroundings. Yet, amidst the suffocating darkness, there was no sight to be found, only the cacophony of anguished cries echoing through the chilling air. Among the chorus of tormented voices, one stood out, piercing through the abyss with an unrivaled intensity - the unmistakable shrieks of Bellatrix Lestrange, her voice a symphony of delirium and sadism that reverberated through the very core of Sirius's existence. In that wretched place, she reigned as the most vocal and malevolent presence.

Bellatrix's piercing screams echoed through the prison, her voice filled with an unhinged fervor as she relentlessly screamed how they all would die. Each word that tumbled from her lips, like venomous serpents, carried the chilling weight of her unwavering devotion to the dark lord, Lord Voldemort.

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