Holy Power Unleashed

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Hello Drinor Here, If  you like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier,  head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor.'


The Following 6 Chapters are already available for Patrons.

Chapter 16 (Long Time No See), Chapter 17  (Sirius and Lupin's Reunion), Chapter 18 (Confrontation), Chapter 19  (Challenging Snape), Chapter 20 (A Girlfriend), and Chapter 21 (A Dinner with Tonks) are already available for Patrons.

The LINK is in my Profile.


"Very well done, boy!!" Flitwick cheered happily when Harry finally produced a small shield of light using the Patronus charm.

"I hate Dementors," Harry said, laying on his back as his chest rose and fell in rhythm.

"Yes, they are quite annoying creatures, aren't they?" a voice asked from the door.

Turning, Harry saw Professor Lupin standing by the door with a smile on his face before he approached him and handed him a piece of chocolate.

"It really helps," he told him with a sincere smile.

"Harry, to be honest, it was Professor Lupin who suggested you receive the training against the Dementors," Flitwick said, shooting a look at Lupin that Harry couldn't decipher.

"Well, I mean, he is the Defense teacher, so..." Harry said as he munched on his piece of candy.

"If you don't mind me asking, what memories did you use to power the spell?" Lupin asked curiously.

"Well, Professor Flitwick said to use a happy memory; and the happiest thing I can think of is my parents. They're smiling and talking to me. Not about anything in particular, just talking. I don't even know if it's real, but that's what I used." Harry said with a small smile on his face.

The two teachers didn't know what to say for a moment before smiling at him. "I know they'd be very proud of you, Harry."

"Thank you, professors," Harry said.


A week passed before the Headmaster announced the green light for the Quidditch match. The hall went ballistic with enthusiasm at the news as Wood and Flint glared at each other from across their tables.

The day of the match arrived, and the two houses found themselves in the stands awaiting the beginning of the game. Hermione and Ron were seated in their "usual spots" as they looked around excitedly.

"What the hell?" Ron muttered.

Hermione turned to look in the direction he had been staring at curiously. She saw the girl Harry had introduced them to a little while ago, along with Padma, both wearing what seemed to be custom-made Gryffindor-colored sweaters. The two weren't hard to miss in the sea of Silver and Blue. The two girls chatted excitedly about something as they, too, awaited the game to begin.

"I guess it doesn't hurt that they're supporting Gryffindor," Hermione commented with a shrug.

"Yeah, oh, by the way, I was thinking; did you maybe want to check out the Shrieking Shack on our next Hogsmeade trip?" Ron asked, looking straight ahead at the field.

"Oh, yeah, actually, I've been curious about it ever since you mentioned it in the common room," she replied excitedly.

"Really?! Great!"

Hermione nodded and smiled at the boy next to her before she felt herself being pulled back, and the ever-annoying voices of Lavender and Parvati intruded her ear cavity.

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