Sirius Black

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The LINK is in my Profile.

I'm innocent ... I'm innocent ... inno... innocent ... I'm ... I shouldn't be here ... not here ... please ... I'm innocent ... I'm ... innocent ... I'm innocent ... Wormtail ... the spy ... not me ... I'm innocent ... I'm innocent ... I'm innocent ... James ... Lily ... dead ... I'm innocent ... Harry ... little Harry ... gone ... my fault ... all ... my fault ... I'm sorry ... shouldn't have trusted ... couldn't have known ... innocent ... I'm ... innocent ... I'm inno ... cent ... please ... I'm innocent ... I'm innocent ... I'm innocent ... no ... I'm innocent ... I'm ... innocent ... I'm innocent ...

The mantra repeated endlessly in Sirius' head, I'm innocent, keeping him sane, stopping him from wailing in despair like the rest of the inmates, though he had no happy memories left. I'm innocent. He couldn't remember what James looked like, the sound of his laughter, even though he knew they had been closer than brothers. I'm innocent. He could only remember James' anger when he had, in his stupidity, almost killed Snape, and worst of all, revealed Remus' condition to their enemy. My fault ... all my fault. He could remember when he had found James and Lily dead and little Harry, his godson, who he had promised to protect at all cost, futilely trying to wake his dead mother up. Harry, who, even when it had seemed all was lost, could make him smile, laugh, and hope for a better future. He could only think of where Harry might be going and how he would be treated there. I'm sorry. He knew that Harry would grow up thinking that he had been responsible for his parents' deaths. He knew that Harry was lost to him forever. I'm ...

Sirius broke down, crying. He once again changed to his dog form and his thoughts, although not happy, were simpler. He thought with an animal's mind of hunger and pain, and the raw wound that was the death of his friends seemed just a little easier to bear. He whined at the meagre rations he had been given, but he did not feel the chill of the Dementors. I'm innocent.

Most prisoners give up on food as their will to live diminishes, but Sirius had been determined to stay alive in the hope that he might be released, and his innocence proved, I'm innocent, but now many years had passed, and he was no closer to freedom. He was giving up, eating less and less often, and getting weaker and thinner. It didn't seem to matter so much now whether he was guilty or innocent, he had lost his grasp on reality more than once, and sometimes he thought that he might actually be guilty, that he might have betrayed Lily and James. He was tortured by the thought far into he spent more and more time as a dog, enjoying the little freedom it gave him. A dog knows nothing of guilt and innocence. The days, the weeks, the month, and the years dragged on, merging into one long nightmare.

There were dementors stationed at all the doors in the building. Just one step into this place and everything around you turns cold inside you. You do not think that you will ever be happy again in your life. There is one wizard on guard. He stands against the wall, checking his watch every few minutes. He is only there to escort Cornelius Fudge, the Minster of Magic, around during his inspection of Azkaban. The place holds many prisoners; most did horrible things, and most were already insane. But one prisoner, one special prisoner, is the one he's going to pay attention to today.

His name happens to be Sirius Black.

'How long have I been here? 10, 11, 12, 13 years has it been already? Why am I still sane, or as sane as I could be? How could Peter betray them? How could he betray all of us?' Sirius thought. James and Lily were still hard to think about for Sirius. 'How could he do this to everyone? We were best friends; no, we were brothers. Looking back now, Peter did seem a little distant during the end of the sixth year and the whole seventh year. And I admit it, James and I probably should not have picked on him so much. But he was still like my brother. He was like my brother. Not anymore. Oh great, the dementors are back. Who do they want this time?' Sirius thought. These thoughts were always in his head. Sirius would think over and over, seeing if he did something else or what if he did this. For what else could Sirius think about?

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