Holy Magic

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Harry Potter

The boy sat in his room back at the Dursley in silence; after the year ended, Harry had been accompanied by Ron and Hermione on the train as usual, but this time during the ride, a student from Hufflepuff named Susan Bones entered their door, with a bunch of other students behind her.

They apologized to Harry for doubting him during the year, accusing him of attacking the other students, saying they felt bad and wanted to make amends; the young wizard simply told them it was no problem.

Soon they left; one thing he noticed was Hermione sticking up to him more than the last year.

"Father, Mommy," Hermione shouted at her parents, waving at them with her hand; Harry smiled at the pretty picture before him. Hermione was hugging her parents close; he felt a sudden pang on his heart, eyes welling up, but Harry swallowed a huge breath, stopping himself from crying in such a public place.

I wonder if my parents would come like this for me too? Would I have had any siblings if that night had never happened? Would I have ever known the Dursleys, he thought; his hand became a fist, the nails adding pressure into his skin but not enough to draw blood.

"Harry," he escaped his thoughts when he heard Hermione calling him, looking at her, she was telling him to walk toward her; Harry saw the way her parents were looking at him, they were curious and pleased; Harry mentally felt relieved, he would have known if their eyes showed something else.

"This is my friend Harry Potter; Harry, these are my parents," Hermione introduced himself; the young wizard extended his hand, shaking her father's hand first, a strong grip.

"One good grip, son," her father said with a smile before leaning closer. "Hermione can't stop talking about you; she said you were her favorite best friend," he spoke with a sly smirk.

Harry chuckled, already liking the man, while Hermione moaned in annoyance. "Daddy,"

"Is true, Harry, Hermione can't shut her mouth once she starts talking about books or you," her mother added with a giggle; Harry laughed a bit, and so did the father, all except Hermione, who was blushing furiously, swearing never to have her parents near Harry again.

Soon they said goodbye to one another; Harry soon found Vernon waiting for him with an ugly snark. All the happiness he felt a moment ago disappeared immediately, reminding him where he would spend the majority of his summer.

Entering the car, his eyes moved to the door, about to shut it with his hand, when it closed on itself; thankfully, Vernon didn't notice it or would throw a feat about it.

Now, Harry was reading his books, it had been two weeks since he returned from Hogwarts, and the first thing he started to notice was how certain things would happen just by him thinking about it; the book in front of him was wide open, the young wizard just needed to want the page to change, and it changed, while that was nothing revolutionary, Harry wondered how far he could go with this.

One thing he hadn't noticed yet was his eyes would have a golden shade whenever he did something like that, the more powerful it was, the more his eyes would turn from green to gold before going back to the usual green when he stopped using it.

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