Challenging Snape

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The Following 6 Chapters are already available for Patrons.

Chapter 20 (A Girlfriend), Chapter 21 (A Dinner  with Tonks), Chapter 22 (Harry and Sirius), Chapter 23 (Bonding), Chapter 24 (Memories of the Past), and Chapter 25 (Harry's Wrath) are already available for Patrons.

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"Every man should lose a battle in his youth, so he does not lose a war when he is old." - Tywin Lannister.

"Alright. What happened there?" Tonks had grabbed Harry, pulling him away from his friends as they all walked towards their next class. Hermione and Ron seemed to want to see what the fuss was all about, but Tonks quickly motioned for them to just go to their Class and not ask questions.

The empty desks and chairs were covered in a thick layer of dust, and the old blackboard was covered in chalk dust. As they entered, the door creaked and groaned as if it was reluctant to let them in. Once inside, Tonks turned to face Harry, who was sitting at a desk, his eyes downcast, lost in thought. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, the sound echoing through the empty room. With a determined look on her face, she walked over to him, her footsteps echoing on the creaky wooden floor.

Tonks still didn't quite understand why Hogwarts had so many unused spaces; the old rooms used to teach before would be abandoned instead of being repaired or something, but right now, she needed to talk with Harry, who had a small smirk on his face.

"Wow, Tonks. A beautiful Auror like you is forcefully pulling me into an abandoned class. I wonder for what horrendous reasons?" Harry inquired, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he held a look as if he was thinking deeply about something.

Tonks found herself in a perplexing situation, unsure of how to react to Harry in front of her. His smirk was infuriating, and part of her longed to slap it right off his face. But at the same time, she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he had gotten under her skin. After taking a deep breath to steady herself, Tonks decided to take the high road and ignore his suggestive comment. Instead, she shifted the conversation to something more pressing. Clearing her throat, she posed the question that had been nagging at her since he entered the Great Hall.

"What happened between you and Professor Dumbledore?" Tonks asked, her tone laced with a curious edge as she crossed her arms in front of her chest, her eyes locked on Harry's face, waiting for a response. Harry's expression shifted from a smirk to a sour one, his eyes darting away from hers as he struggled to find the right words. It was obvious that he didn't want to talk about it, the memory still raw and painful. For a moment, he said nothing, the silence hanging heavy in the air like a thick fog.

"Nothing really, we just discussed a few unimportant things. Nothing you need to worry yourself with." Harry said dismissively after a short pause, his mind still going back to his discussion with Dumbledore.

On the one hand, he felt a sense of gratitude towards the professor for being honest with him - as honest as someone like him could be. However, as he thought about how he had been denied a normal family life, his anger toward the professor began to grow. Harry couldn't help but wonder how different his life would have been if the professor had been forthcoming with him from the beginning. Despite the mixed emotions that he was feeling, Harry made a vow to himself to use this newfound knowledge to make the most of his life and never let anyone control his destiny again.

Dumbledore had decided to control how he would be raised; he had no right to control his life. Harry knew perhaps the professor thought his reason was valid, but all he could think about were the miserable years he had spent with the Dursleys, his cruel and neglectful relatives who had made his life quite hard. The thought of those wasted years made Harry feel a sense of bitterness that he couldn't shake off.

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