Harry's Wrath

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Once the Weasley family, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, their sons Ron, Fred, and George, and their daughter Ginny, arrived in the splendidly decorated courtyard of the house, Harry, filled with excitement, wasted no time in dashing towards his companions to express his heartfelt joy at their reunion. With a beaming smile adorning his face, Harry approached Ron and warmly initiated a handshake. As Ron's eyes met Harry's, a twinkle of nostalgic delight danced within them, relishing the exhilarating prospect of spending time together once again. Simultaneously, Ron's gaze drifted towards the house, its whimsical architecture embellished with colorful flowers and enchanting ornaments.

"It's good to see you, Harry but I'm sure you want to greet someone else besides me," Ron greeted enthusiastically with a cheeky smile, sensing that Harry's attention might be drawn elsewhere. He knew Harry must be eager to meet someone other than himself. Meanwhile, Hermione gracefully walked in front, her steps full of confidence and anticipation. She stood before Harry, a rosy blush tinting her cheeks.

Harry's gaze fixated on Hermione, captivated by the sheer radiance that emanated from her. His eyes locked with hers, and he couldn't help but be entranced by the depth and warmth that resided within her chocolate orbs. At that moment, a gravitational force seemed to propel his legs toward her as if they had their own will.

Their bodies collided in a tight embrace. Harry's heart swelled with a mixture of adoration and a sense of belonging. As he held Hermione within his arms, he took a deep breath, savoring her delicate scent that filled his senses. The fragrance she wore intoxicated him, reminiscent of freshly picked strawberries on a warm summer's day. The sweet aroma enveloped him.

Time seemed to stand still in this tender embrace, allowing Harry to appreciate every detail of Hermione's beauty. The way her hair cascaded in flawless waves, the softness of her skin against his touch, and the genuine happiness reflected in her eyes.

"I missed you," Harry whispered affectionately to Hermione, his longing evident in his voice before tenderly planting a gentle kiss on her rosy cheek. The moment his lips touched her skin, Hermione's face instantly flushed a vibrant shade of crimson, mirroring the intense emotions coursing through her. Ron couldn't help but succumb to his mischievous nature as uncontrollable laughter bubbled up within him. Teasing Hermione had always been one of his favorite pastimes, and he seized every opportunity to relish in her blushes. Meanwhile, the mischievous Weasley twins, Fred and George, seized this perfect moment to showcase their playful nature, serenading the newly blossoming romance with a whimsical song. Their tuneful voices filled the air, celebrating Harry's step toward maturity.

"You know Ron,"

"He's even a bigger,"


"Than you," the Weasley twins spoke one after the other, looking at their little brother, who puffed slightly before Ron looked at them, crossing his arms in front of his chest, a proud smirk on his face.

"At least I have someone to hug and kiss when I return back at Hogwarts, all you two have is the pillow," Ron playfully japed, eliciting a merry chuckle of amusement from both Harry and the mischievous twins.

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