Awakened Power

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Harry Potter

Walking through almost total darkness, Harry stumbled a bit, almost falling roughly to the ground, yet he kept on moving, knowing Ginny needed his help; he just hoped he wasn't too late.

Passing through, he reached a large hall, like a long corridor with snake statues with open mouths on each side; leading him to a large opening, his eyes saw a statue of a face in the wall. It was the face of Salazar Slytherin; the boy felt his legs aching, and his eyes noticed the figure lying unmoving on the ground.

"Ginny," Harry shouted abruptly, forgetting about his legs, he ran as fast as he could, he soon reached the end, Ginny was lying unmoving on the floor, her face as pale as a ghost, he almost didn't recognize her, but he recognized the red hair.

"Ginny, wake up," he said desperately, shaking her slightly, yet she didn't even move a muscle.

"Is too late,"

Harry whirled around, and in front of him stood a person leaning against a pillar. He looked up at who he thought must be Tom Riddle, he looked young for someone who should be older than fifty years, but his figure looked transparent but slowly looking more solid.

"What do you mean is too late? S-she's not," "She's not Dead, not yet at least," Tom interrupted with a creepy smirk slowly showing on his face, Harry felt a shiver of fear from him, yet he didn't back away.

"Help me carry her; the basilisk might come at any moment," Harry urged, trying to carry her himself; remembering his wand, he quickly checked his pocket, only it wasn't there.

Looking back at Tom, he had his wand around his fingers, twirling it around like a toy.

"Why did you get my wand?" Harry questioned, afraid of the answer, his eyes looking at the wand then back at Tom's smile growing, ear to ear.

"How are you here? You must be fifty years old?" Harry questioned, his voice sounding accusing, as he stood between him and Ginny's unmoving body.

"I'm a memory, Harry, from the diary," he said, pointing the finger at the diary near the giant's toes, the diary wide open; the boy briefly glanced at the black diary he found in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom before he turned his attention back at Tom.

A voice in his head told him that Tom wasn't who he had thought he was; a feeling of dread grew on his little body, and sharp pain on his forehead almost made him scream, holding his tongue.

"Where's Basilisk?"

"He won't be coming until someone calls him," Tom simply answered as if it was the most normal thing. Harry felt a sudden shiver in his body, gulping.

"Who commands him?" He questioned; the silence and his creepy smile were enough for an answer.

"It was you; you called the Basilisk; you harmed Hermione," Harry shouted in the end, his fear turning to anger and rage, his friend's face fresh in his mind, pale and dead looking.

"Who are you?"

At this question, Tom left a chuckle before pointing at the wall near him. "I'm known by many names Potter, but you might best know me as-" he stopped, pointing Harry's wand to the wall, whispering something, his name 'Tom Marvolo Riddle' appeared slowly on the wall, the words slowly turned around, exchanging places with one another-

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