part 28

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Come on baby, let's put you down for a nap. You can sleep in daddies bed. I need to do a bit more work then I'll come and snuggle with you, ok"
He scooped me up and took me to the bed, tucking me in with Barney.
"Sleep well, my princess."
He got out his phone.
"Hi Janice, would you come down to ward 6 and do some more babysitting for me, I need to go out."
"Sure, the Dr Bradley, I'll be right over,"
There was a knock at the door.
It was Janice. I heard her voice and it scared me.
"Come in,"
He left the door ajar.
"I need to have a chat first, come into my office." She followed him into the office.
"Amanda is sleeping, so there won't be a need to do anything. Just to say, you know there's cameras in here in every room, don't you?."
Her face went white as paper, and she got up and quickly left as she opened the door, Nurse Hill was standing there.
"Out of my way!"
Nurse Hill grabs her by her hair, dragging her back inside the room. She screams, Nurse Hill slapped her face. Dr Bradley was now standing in the room.
"So as I was saying there's cameras everywhere in here. We've seen what you did to Amanda, and so has your mother.
"My mother was here?"
"Is that all you got to say? You're going to get a taste of your own medicine. Let's start, shall we. Nurse Hill, would you pass me the paddle." She handed Dr Bradley the paddle, and out of nowhere, he swung it at her face, instantly knocking her out and a few of her teeth. "My fuck did that feel good but we're not doing it here with Amanda here I don't want to traumatise her anymore." He came into the bedroom I was still awake. "Baby I'm going to give you a little medicine ok I need you to stay here" He told my arm and inserted the needle, he kissed my head and I went to sleep.
He came out, Janice was stiring. He put the chain on her ankle and dragged her out into the corridor. Nurse Hill followed. They took her into a padded room. Dr Bradley stripped her naked got the paddled with a small amount of cream on the handle Nurse Hill got her into the all fours position. Dr Bradley rammed the handle into her arse, making her scream out. He did it hard and fast each time it went in she screamed he then pulled it out, and spanked her arse. Her cheeks began to bleed, she was screaming. Nurse Hill rolled her over making her cry out. Dr Bradley diapered her and put mittens on her. Then gave her an injection so she'd use her diaper. Nurse Hill put a bottle of water at the end of the room. They left and shut the door. "Her medicine will take effect in 30 minutes. Leave her until the morning." "Yes Dr Bradley. Well done"
Dr Bradley went back to ward 6 into the bedroom.
"Princess time to wake up, I want to so you something." I woke up. "Come on you can take Barney with you." He picked me up and went into his office sat me on his lap and he opened his laptop up. On the screen was Janice, moving about and crying. "She's having a bowel movement. She'll be in there for a long time, with a dirty diaper. Maybe you can go and see her tomorrow after she's had her medicine. She will be like Sam but she will be permanent, no medicine to reverse it. Tomorrow it will be time for your injections but I'll use a small dose, you'll be able to crawl about, but if your naughty and go somewhere by yourself then I'll give you the extra. OK."
"Good girl"
The rest of the day was spent watching Janice, scream and shout.
We had dinner and finally bedtime. I sept with daddy and Barney.

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