Part 2

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After a long drive in the care with my parents we finally arrived at the care centre. Driving through the gates, it looked like a prison, high fences. My dad pulled up and we all got out, I got my suitcase and we walked up to the reception. As I hung back from my parents, taking in what the outside looked like, we got to the front door. My dad pushed the buzzer, a lady answered.
"Hi there, do you have an appointment, or are you dropping off?" My dad replied,"dropping off. "
The door opened, and the other side was a very large lady in a nurses uniform. "Hi there, I'm Mrs Hill or Nurse Hill to the patients." My parents introduced themselves and waiting for me to say something, but I didn't. My dad spoke up for me, "This is my daughter, Amanda." Nurse Hill looked me up and down.

"I've gone over Amanda's notes, and this is what is going to happen while she stays with us. The stay is anywhere between 3 and 6 months. Sometimes, it could be more depending on her, she cannot leave on her own accord only to be discharged by myself or Dr Bradley. She will stay on ward one for a two week observation where she can decide if she wants to be the patient or the carer, but in most cases, after our evaluations, we'll decide. You may visit her after one month. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact me or Dr. Bradley. Please sign this form of consent." Both my parents signed the form.

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