part 22

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4pm came around, and he was still working. I was so bored, I curled up on the floor and closed my eyes.
I got woken up at 5 pm.
"Baby, it's time for dinner."
I wasn't excited about dinner, but I was hungry. He carried me to my chair. He removed my gag, and he placed a bottle of juice on my tray. I held my mittens up. "No, these are staying on. You will learn even if it is the hard way." I grabbed my bottle with both hands and started to drink. He was preparing the food, and he plated up his, a beef roast dripping in gravy.
He put 2 potatoes and some carrots and green beans in the blender and poured it into my bowl, putting a little gravy on the top. I silently huffed. Does he know I've got teeth, I can chew these things. He puts the bowl down on my tray, puts a bib on me, and hands me a spoon.
"Feed yourself, baby. I don't want my food to get cold." Feed myself how. I've got mittens on that he was clearly not taking off. I had the spoon holding it like a fist it was hard as I kept dropping the spoon or missing my mouth. He kept a watchful eye on me like it was entertainment for him. He had finished his dinner way before me, I couldn't scrape the last remains, so he did help and fed me the last bit.
"Good girl, do you want pudding?"
Pudding, what could that be, more mush. He had chocolate cake and custard. I had just custard. He was pissing me off by this time, I had enough of it.
"What the fuck is this! I've got fucking teeth you know I can eat stuff, why am I getting mush all the fucking time. I've had it I want to leave here now, I don't want you being my daddy any more!"I picked up the bowl and threw it on the floor. He got up, he was angry, even angered much more than before. He got me out of my chair dragged me over to the arm of the chair, ripped off my pants and diaper and got the paddle, held my back down and paddled my bear arse, the first blow stung, by the 5th go I was screaming out.
"Daddy peese stop it hurting." He ignored me and carried on he paddled me 15 times, my asre was burning hot. He left me on the arm of the chair and spoke.
"Do you want what Sam had? I can do that you know. I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt to give you a chance to be a good baby as I'd like you to have your movement but you are not showing me you can be good. I've come up with another solution, but I need to call your parents first. And you will be the baby I want you to be, tomorrow. Right now you are going to stay here while I call your parents." I couldn't even respond cos I had cried so much. I laid on the arm of the chair, I could hear him speaking but not what he was saying. He came back in.
"Both of your parents agreed to my solution, right now for your foul mouth a bar of soap, for 1 hour while you stand in the corner, with no diaper, I want to see your glowing arse." He grabbed me and lead me to the corner then he got a bar of soap. Shoving in in my mouth. "Don't you dare spit it out or you'll get another 20 of the paddle." I don't think I could cope with another 2 spanks of the paddle let alone 20. "Put your hands on your head and stand up straight." I stood there for the hour. He turned me around and took the soap out of my mouth, my mouth was all bubbly. He put a cup of water to my mouth. "Wash your mouth out and spit back in the cup" I did as I was told. He picked up my diaper and laid me down so he could put it back on, no cream like before. If I wet myself this is going to sting. He picked me up and put me in my cot, using the restraints for my hands and feet. He puts the dummy in my mouth.
"I don't want to hear a peep out of you, or I will paddled you again."
He left and I sobbed until I fell asleep.

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