part 18

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Dr Bradley unlocked the doors. The main room was yellow and blue. He took me to my room, it was pink with yellow, red and orange flowers on the walls. It had a pink cot at one end and a double bed at the other end of the room. "This is our room, baby." I was confused, our room. There was a pink wardrobe. He noticed I was looking at it. "Go and see, I've filled it with cute baby clothes for you." I went over to it and opened the doors, there was lots of pink and yellow things inside. He pulled out a yellow dress. "I want you to wear this one for me tomorrow,"
A dress I hate dresses.
"I don't want to wear a dress, I look silly!"It's only me and you here, and don't be cheeky. I can spank you and give you corner time. Do you want that?"
"No, what?"
"No, Daddy,"
"Good girl, now it's time for you to go to bed, we'll do rules and stuff tomorrow,"
I got into my cot, and he lifted the bars up, gave me my dummy, and closed the door. He didn't lock it. I could easily get out, but for once, I didn't have the energy. I was pretty tired.
I woke up a few hours later to the sound of snoring, I sat up and saw he was in the big bed on his back, snoring away. I got up and climbed over the bars, my foot slipped, and I landed on the floor, "You little missy should be in your cot. Why are you not in your cot?" I froze and blurred out the first thing that came to mind. "I wanna sleep with Daddy." I was surprised that fell out of my mouth. I was also surprised at what he said. "Ok, sweetpea, come here." He peeled back the duvet and patted the bed for me to get in, I climbed in. It felt odd being there.
"Do you want to cuddle, Daddy?" "Yes, Daddy, " another thing I said and didn't understand why I said it. He pulled me closer to him. He was only wearing shorts it felt odd but nice being close to him.

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