Part 15

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It was a little difficult to start with, but I soon got the hang of the crawling. We got to the office next to the padded room. Nurse Hill and Sandy were there.
"Oh, Amanda, how cute are you on the floor crawling. Such a good baby."
I wanted to punch her, patronising bitch.
They were watching sam on the monitor.
"Amanda sit here please." I could just see the screen. Sam had taken everything off, not sure how he got the collar off but there you go. He was naked he smeared his messy diaper everywhere he was pulling at his cock cage. Nurse Hill turned on the sound.
"Fuck you, you fucking cunts, get this cage off of me now. I'm gonna sue your arses when I get out of here, cunts!" Nurse Hill turned off the sound.
"He's been like this for hours, what do we do with him?" Dr Bradley spoke up.
"Go in there with the fire hose, spray him and the room, send the guys in pin him down and put him out, diaper him and re collar him, and every 4 hours give him another dose. Leave him where he is, this can be his new room now."
Nurse Hill left with sandy, opened the door to the padded cell and came in with the hose, he ran at them but as the hose was turned on it pushed him backwards, he tried and tried but failed. They turned off the hose and 2 men went in slammed him to the floor and stuck the needle in his arse and within moments he couldn't move, they left him laying naked on the floor. He looked so lifeless. A little while later when he was dry, Nurse Hill collared, diapered and put mittens on him and then she left.
Nurse Hill came back into the room and started speaking.
"We can't keep using this drug, it's expensive however we do have that other drug but it's been tested once and there isn't a guarantee that he'd go back to normal after 6 months.  it took a lot of training, the guy that had it was permanently incontinent.
I was tempted to use it on Amanda but she changed on her own."
"Let's speak to his parents and show them this video, see what they say. Come on Amanda, time for a nap."
"I don't want to nap!"
"Oi! Don't be cheeky or you'll stay in your cot all day"
I crawled out of the room to go to my room. I climbed into my cot and Dr Bradley took off the mittens and pads.
"I will see you in 2 hours now sleep"
I curled up in the blanket and closed my eyes.

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