Part 8

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The sound of dinner and the thought of eating was good for me. Nurse Hill put me back in my cot.
"Are we going to need these?"
I shook my head.
"Ok, well, stay and be good, and I will collect you in an hour."
She lifted the bars and left, I was sat in my cot. Board but free from restraints.
As promised, Nurse Hill came back and got me out of my cot, put my harness on, and led me to the eating room. As she opened the doors, I could hear other people, babies screaming and babbling. I stopped, but she yanked at my harness. Going through another set of doors, I saw people, adults dressed like me. In highchairs, I tried to turn away, but behind me was Dr Bradley.
"This is ward five, little missy. Let's find you a chair." As soon as he said that, I went into a meltdown. I spat out my dummy
"No no fucking no way, fuck you." Everyone went silent, all eyes were on me. Dr Bradley wrestled me to the ground, putting my dummy gag in I tried to fight him. He restrained my hands behind my back. Grabbing me up everyone still looking at me. Nurse Hill got me a chair and Dr Bradley put me in it, restraining my legs, locking the tray in place. Placing my head in the secure fixture on the chair so I couldn't move my head.
My chair had wheels so he wheeled it in front of the other babies and carers so everyone could see me. I bowed my head in shame, I sat there for 15 minutes until.
"Hey baby girl I'm Janice I'm your carer today, you want to lift your head so I can put a bib on you."
I looked up at her, she looked my age, 18. She put a bib on me and took off my gag.
"What's your name? I'm guessing your new here, I was new too I've been here 3 weeks, I was in observation for a week and half and I was chosen to be a carer and here I am." I just sat there and said nothing. She got handed a bottle of milk and she placed it to my mouth. I was getting fed up with the milk, I wanted food to eat. This girl Janice talked alot, she was nice but to much talking. She was good at bottle feeding me. She was handed a large bowl.
"Mash potato and green beans I hope you like them." She took the spoon and dug in and got a heap of mush. Mush!
"What the fuck is that? I want proper food I can chew not mush"
"Oh wow your very foul mouthed arnt you, eat it or I'll have to get Dr Bradley, you don't want to be on the wrong side of him but guessing your already there. Now eat!" I opened my mouth and she piled it, smothering it all over my face, on purpose. I didn't like Janice anymore.
"Good now you've finished that you can have your pudding, mushed peaches."
I hated peaches but didn't want another lecture from her, she did the same with the dinner. I had a messy mix of food all around my face.
"Good girl, you can have your sippy cup of juice now, I need to clean up."
She left the cup on my tray and left, she knew I couldn't do it myself, what a bitch.
"Oi Janice, ive got no hands how am I supposed to drink this? Oi fucking listen to me" Dr Bradley came over looking at my face with a slight smile, "are you being rude again, do you need your gag."
"No, that bitch Janice didn't give me my juice she just left it here, I can't do shit with no hands can i?" He grabbed my bib and wiped my face, shoved in the gag and clipped it into place.
"Time for you to go back to your room."
He lifted back the highchair and wheeled me back to my room, facing a corner.
"You can sit tight there for a while."
Then he left, I'm not sure which is worst this chair or the cot. I was left for 40 minutes until nurse Hill came in.
"I hear you were naughty again, I think Dr Bradley has had it up to hear with you, so as punishment you are going straight to bed, no juice, no milk, no change and your gag is going to stay till morning" she got me out of the chair undid my hands and told me to get into my cot, so I did.
"Give me your hands." She put the mittens over my hands. She put up the bars and nurse sandy came in with some more bars, they fitted it to the top of the cot, locked it into place. It was now a cage.
"As much as Dr Bradley wants you restrained down, it's not fair to your body it needs to move about a bit and plus you'll be having your bowel movement some time soon. Good night." With that they both left.
Bowel movement? I bet they put something in my food. I sat a while looking at the top bars, 4 padlocks, not a hoping hell I'd get through those. And that's when it kicked in, my tummy pain. It was so bad I was crippled over I couldn't hold it. I didn't want to go as it was only 7pm and I'd have to be in the messy diaper until 6am. I tried holding it 8pm came and I couldn't any longer, it stank. I sobbed and fell to sleep. I woke up 3 hours later needing a pee it warmed my diaper and soon went cold. The pee stung my bottom the smell was even worst. My diaper had leaked through my onesie, I cried and cried but no body came. Hours later my bed was soaked as I had to pee again. It was 2am I couldn't wait until 6am. I cried some more I shook the cot a found a lose bit so I rattled on that and finally Dr Bradley came in. He looked at me and saw my state, it was a look that maybe he felt sorry for me.
"Oh poor little missy, you've leaked everywhere, as much as I'm annoyed with your behaviour I can't leave you like this, let's get you out and changed, I don't want any funny business. It'll be me changing and cleaning you so you've a choice me or wait until 6am as no one here till then"
I pointed my mitten at him.
He took off the bars, pulled down the side bars. Took my hand and led me to the shower room. He took off my mittens and onesie and then my tshirt I stood in front of him in just my diaper, I tried to cover myself.
"No point missy, ive seen it all before and I'll see it again, now get up on the table and lay down."
I did, he took off my diaper, even he couldn't handle the smell but he did it anyway. I pointed to my gag. "I will take it of, but one peep from you it goes back on, ok."
I nodded.
He led me to the shower room, I stood and waited and jumped to how cold it was.
"Oh hang on let me adjust the tempature, nod when it's OK for you." Nurse Hill never did that for me. The temp was warm, he soaked me down turned off the water and came towards me with the soap, I thought he was going to give it too me but he started washing me, I was all soapy then he rinsed me down, took a towel and nicely dried me off. He lifted me onto the table where a fresh diaper was, powered and put cream on me again something that nurse Hill doesn't do. He's very strict when you piss him off but really kind with this stuff. He put me in a clean onesie, it was blue and said baby boy on the front, it was the only one there, he did apologise but I wasn't bothered.
"Ok let's get you to bed, you'll have to sleep in the padded room on the floor your cot is too wet and floor is hard." I followed him to the padded room, he opened the door and let me in. "I'll be back in 5 minutes)" shutting the door. 5 minutes later he was back with a pillow, a blanket and my stuffed bunny. My eyes widened with happiness. He handed me a dummy and said goodnight.
I arranged my bedding and went straight to sleep cuddling my bunny.

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