Part 19

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I woke up alone. I called out for him and he came.
"Morning, sweetpea."
He was wearing shorts and a tshirt, ive never seen him in regular clothes. It was always a shirt and tie with a Dr's coat. "Let's get you bathed and changed."
He took me to the bathroom, took off my clothes and diaper, and carried me to the bathtub.
The water was lovely and warm, so many bubbles. It was nice. He put in some rubber ducks for me to play with. "Do you like the bath, baby?" "Yes, Daddy, I love it, thank you." He was happy with that. I was happy, I didn't actually mind being naked in front of him. "Maybe one day baby we can have a bath together." "Daddy can come in if he wants too" I couldn't believe I said that. He left  and returned in minutes. He was in just shorts. "Ok baby, move over, daddy is coming in." "Daddy, why am I naked and you in shorts?"I might scare my baby, maybe one day I will go naked, but for now I want my baby to be happy, not scared." "Otay, Daddy. "
He washed me all over, and I tried to wash him.
"Ok baby, let's get you out and dried." He took me out and wrapped a towel around me. He himself got out and dried himself off. Then dried me off. He took me to the table and laid out a new diaper. Lifted me onto the table and diapered me. "Ok baby, let's get you dressed." He took me to the wardrobe and pulled out that yellow dress and slipped it over me. It didn't cover any of my diaper, I tried pulling it down. He slapped my hands. "Your dress is fine. Leave it alone. I've got you some cute socks to go with your dress." He pulled out a pair of frilly yellow socks and put them on me. "One more thing, baby, then you look super cute." He pulled out a yellow dummy and popped it in my mouth. There was a mirror near the wardrobe. "Go and look, see how cute and pretty you look." I looked like a giant baby, I didn't like the dress at all.
"Ok, let's get some breakfast." He walked into the kitchen, and I crawled, the dress rose up my back, showing all of my diaper. Slowly, as I got into the kitchen, I could smell bacon, I'd hoped that was for me. At the table I saw a highchair for me. He lifted me up and put me in the chair, and then he put a bib on  me. "We don't want your pretty dress getting messy." I did so. I could not wear it anymore. He was cooking eggs too, the smell was divine. He plated it up, but it was only one plate. He sat it down at his seat. "Where's my bacon and eggs? I want some!" "Babies don't eat this kind of food." He went into the fridge and pulled out a bowl and placed it on my tray. It was yoghurt. I huffed. "What is this, I want bacon and eggs now! I'm not eating this!"You will eat it, now stop being silly!" He started to tuck into his food, lathering it with HP sauce. It made me mad, I huffed again and slammed my fists down on the tray, making the bowl fall to the floor. He stood up quickly.
"Right, little missy, you are going to lick this up off of the floor, and then you will meet me in the lounge area for a spanking, I'm not having a naughty baby. Is that clear?"
"Yes, Daddy."
He got me out of the chair and placed me on the ground. I huffed and started to cry.
"Amanda, eat it and hurry up." I began licking it up. It took a while but got there. I turned around to go into the lounge where he was waiting for me.
He guided me to the arm of the chair. "You are going to get 15 spanks." He lifted my dress and began. It wasn't hard as I had my diaper on, but I could feel it more as he went on. "Right here's your dummy, now go and stand in that corner for 30 minutes in silence." I went over to the corner and stood up facing the wall. I began to sob. "Silence Amanda, or you'll be there even longer." I sucked it up and stood there for the 30 minutes.
"Good girl, now you are going for a nap, and you can think about what you've done." He took me to my cot, slipped my dress off, and put me in my cot.

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