part 23

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I woke up at 4 am.
"Daddy, Daddy, I'm Sowey, peese don't do anything to me. I'll be good now."
"Too late, I've had enough of you."
He got out of bed and disappeared for a few minutes and came back in with a large needle. I looked in horror.
"Peese don't, Daddy, I sowey."
"When you wake up, you will be an obedient little baby."
He sunk in the needle, and I drifted off to sleep.
I opened my eyes and saw the clock was at 11 am. My mouth hurt, and my arms and legs felt weak. I spat out my dummy, my mouth hurt alot, I moved my tongue around my mouth. I've no teeth, where are my teeth.
"Mmmmmfffff dddddddayyyffffffmmm" I couldn't speak either.
Daddy came in.
"I hear you're awake, I bet you're wondering what has happened to you. I will tell you over a bottle of nice warm milk, I will feed and cuddle you on the sofa." He lowered the bars, picked me up, and put me on the floor. "Crawl to the sofa baby, I will be there shortly." My body was weak. I could hardly stay in the all fours position, I wobbled and fell over many times. It was like my body was weighted. It took ages for me to get to the sofa. He was already there with a bottle of milk. He scooped me up and put me on his lap in the cradle position. He brought the bottle to my mouth. I opened my sore mouth, the teat was rubber. I started sucking, and the warmness soothed my mouth. He began speaking.

"Ok baby, you had all of your teeth removed as you can probably feel. Now you can only eat liquid food. Your vocal cords and body have been numbed and weakened from an injection that you will have once a week, I will alter the vocal cords injection so you'll be able to form some words, like dada, dummy, milky.
You are now incontinent. You won't be able to hold it anymore. So you'll need your diapers all the time.

If and when you ever leave here or me, you'll be potty trained and will have a set of false teeth, and you'll regain your strength back. But that's not going to happen anytime soon.
You are now very dependent on me. Have I made myself clear?"
I nodded. I finished my bottle, and he carried me into his office and sat me down on the blanket. There was a bunny and some other toys and a colouring book and crayons. "Make me a pretty picture." He put a dummy in my mouth. It was hard to stay sitting up, and it was really hard to grip a crayon. I had to hold it in my fist. My colouring skills were shite now, and I couldn't stay in the lines. The picture looked shit.
My diaper felt uncomfortable. I looked down at it. It was huge, I didn't even remember using it. He noticed I was looking at my diaper.
"Let's have some lunch, and I will change you, ok?"
"To cute, I've got some yummy baby food for you,"
He carried me off to the kitchen and sat me in my chair. He put my bib on and clicked my tray on. The tray was different. It had had a hole in it.
He opened a jar of food and emptied its contents into the hole on the tray. Hands me a spoon.
"Dig in baby"
It was even more difficult to hold the spoon and deliver it to my mouth. I had little strength in my hands and arms. I put the spoon down and started using my fingers. It was easier, but I made a huge mess. I watched him eat his sandwich a BLT, and it smelled nice. He finished and came over to me.
"Wow, good girl, you've eaten all of your food. Let me wash your face and hands. you're very messy." He cleaned me up and took me out of my chair and carried me to the changing table. He changed my very wet diaper and put a clean T-shirt and me. "We are going to have a nap now. I want to cuddle you in my bed." He took his clothes off apart from his shorts and carried me into the bedroom and laid me down in the bed. He got in and brought me closer to him.

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