Chapter 47

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It hasn't be over a day since Eliza left us, and my mom haven't left her room since she came back yesterday. Lola had been comforting me the whole night and I cried myself to sleep.

"Honey, visitors are here to see you" my momma knocked on the bedroom door, I was still laying in my bed, in Lola's arms.

"I'll be down in a minute" I mumbled knowing she heard me, Lola pulled the covers over us and helped me out of the bed. We both went to the bathroom, I didn't ask her to help me shower but I knew she wanted to.

"Thank you" I whispered, she took off my clothes and helped me get in the shower. She turned it on and made sure the water was warm before cleaning my hair and body.

"I'm so tired" I sighed, she kissed my head and washed all the soap off my body before wrapping me in a towel.

"What do you want to wear?" She asked softly, I really didn't care so I shrugged my shoulders. Lola chose a simple black dress for me.

After we were done getting ready, we both made our way downstairs. I think Margaret wanted to get over with this already because my momma told me she wanted to do the funeral today.

"Hi sweetheart, I'm sorry for your loss" an older woman said, she wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek before pulling away. I've never seen her before, so I just smiled and nodded.

"My deepest condolences my dear" another man said, I nodded and gave him a simple smile. Lola and I made our way to the backyard where the rest of the visitors were.

"Sam" I heard someone call for me, Henry was standing by the door next to his parents. I let go of Lola and went to him, he gave me a tight hug before kissing the top of my head.

"I'm sorry for your loss, she was a wonderful woman" he said before pulling away from the hug, I greeted his parents and went to stand next to Lola. Henry smiled at her before giving her his hand to shake, she nodded and took it.

We all made our way to the backyard. People were talking among each other, they went to look at Eli's casket to say their farewells while Margaret was sitting next to Nina at the very front.

"Where's your mother?" Henry's dad asked,

"She hasn't left her room since yesterday" Lola was in a simple black button up shirt that my aunt gave her and black pants, we went to sit in our seats. I sat next to my aunt who was holding Nina's hand and Adrian as well.

"Are you alright sweetheart?" My aunt asked, I nodded and she leaned to kiss my temple. I was worried about my mother, she haven't said anything to anyone for the past hours, we didn't see her and we don't know how she's feeling.

"I think we should start" I heard Margaret whisper, she slowly made her way to the microphone and cleared her throat. You could tell she wasn't alright, you could see it in her face that this loss was too much for her.

"Hello everyone, I'd like to thank you for being here. I stand before you to remember my partner, the most loving woman who has been taken from us too soon. She was my best friend and soulmate and I'm devastated that she is no longer with us..." She wiped her tears and took a deep breath to try and continue.

"...She was there for me through the good times and the bad and could always put a smile on my face. I will be forever grateful for how much joy and love she brought to my life." By now everyone was shedding tears, including me. I felt Lola gently kiss my hand to comfort me, I leaned my head on her shoulder and kept listening to what Margaret had to say.

"No one will ever replace her and I hold those treasured memories we shared deep in my heart. She won't ever be forgotten." She sobbed softly before she quickly muffled it with her palm, Nina went to her and helped her back to her seat.

"Welcome everyone, and thank you for being here" we all turned to look at the person talking, my mom was standing in front of the microphone her long black hair was gracefully laying on her back, she had on a black dress and simple black heels. She had an emotionless expression and she looked a little tired.

"I didn't even want to do this, but..." My mom looked up at Margaret for a moment before focusing her gaze back on the guests.

"I'm doing it for a dear friend. Someone who meant so much to me is gone and I'm sitting here thinking of all the time I spent complaining to her about my life instead of enjoying my time with her, about all the moments she was there for me, listening and helping, and I didn't even get to thank her."

"If she was here right now, she'll scoff and roll her eyes at me for being too emotional." My mother chuckled dryly, she scratched her eyebrow then touched the tip of her nose, something she does when she's deep in her thoughts.

"I loved Eli, I still do and I always will. I'll always be thankful and grateful for her, she saved my life so many times, more than I can count, she protected and loved this family, she was a loyal friend and I'll never forget her."


We all stood around the grave and watched as they slowly lowered the casket into the ground, everyone was gone by now and it was just family left. We were in a private cemetery, one that belonged to my mom's family.

"Thank you Lilith" we heard Margaret say, my mom looked at her friend with a confused look.

"For what?"

"For allowing us to be together, since day one, since we were back in your castle as maids, thank you for letting us love each other" Margaret went to my mom and hugged her.

"I'm gonna stay here longer, you guys can go" Margaret said and sat down next to the newly made grave, we all went back to the cars so we can go home.

"Are you alright Sammy?" My mom asked, my mom, momma, Lola and I were in one car. My aunt, her wife and their kid were in a different one.

"I'm fine mom, I'm just worried about Aurora" I declared, my sister has been in her room after she heard about Eliza passing away, first what happened with Daisy and now Eliza. This is too much for her to handle, but at least there's hope that Daisy could wake up.

We walked in the house, Lola and I went to our room and my parents did the same. My aunt and Nina were staying in a guest room. Lola kneeled down in front of me and started taking off my heels, then helped me take off the dress. She gave me an oversized shirt and I quickly put it on and laid on the bed.

"You need me to get you anything? Water maybe?" She asked softly, she unbuckled her pants and took them off along with her shirt leaving her in boxers and a bra.

"No, I just need a hug" I opened my arms and she smiled before laying on top of me, I sighed and hugged her tightly, I let my fingers run across her back while she gently kissed on my covered shoulder.

"Come on baby, let me cuddle you to sleep" she whispered, she rolled back on her side and pulled me to her chest and wrapped her arm around my waist. I leaned my head against her and listened to her heart softly thump in her chest.

And before I knew it, I was slowly drifting off to sleep.

The next few chapters left will be enough to finish this book.



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