Chapter 39

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"And- and we went to the park and then me and Rori got ice cream!" Daisy said with enthusiasm in her voice, we were back to Sam's house and Daisy was now sitting in my lap telling me about her day.

"That's wonderful Daisy, did you take your meds on time?" I kissed her temple, she nodded her head and smiled up at me. She grabbed my head and pulled me down so she can whisper in my ear.

"I found something in the park" she said softly, she wiggled her eyebrows at me then slowly got off my lap, she put her small hand in mine and pulled me to the corner where Sam and Aurora can't see.

My sister put her hand in her overall pocket, she pulled out something that she was hiding tightly in her hand. I crouched in front of her so I can see and talk to her closely.

"What is it?" I asked curiously, she smiled and opened her hand revealing a silver heart necklace. I picked it up and scanned it, it was a simple silver flat heart, it was cute.

"It's beautiful Daisy, you should put it on" I opened it and was about to put it around her neck but she shook her head no and gently pushed my hands back my way.

"So you can remember me" she whispered softly, I watched her gaze drop and she stared at the ground.

"What?" I asked in barely a whisper still staring at my sister in disbelief. I felt my heart sink to the deepest pits of my stomach at the words she just said.

"Don't ever say that." I raised my voice a little speaking sternly, how can she think like that? How can she say that? She shouldn't be saying stuff like this.

"Lola...I love you" Daisy said in a low voice and wrapped her arms around my neck, my eyes started to blur with tears and my legs couldn't hold me in a crouched position anymore so I sat down on the floor. My bigger arms wrapped around her small body and I hugged her softly afraid to hold her too tight and hurt her.

"I love you too, Daisy"

We stayed like that, Daisy in my arms while I leaned on the wall behind me until she fell asleep. I didn't dare move, I didn't want to wake her up when she's finally resting.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked when she walked to where we were, she smiled sadly and crouched in front of me.

"No, I'm not."

"Come on, let's take her to bed" Sam brushed her hand on my face and smiled softly at me, I nodded and slowly got up making sure not to wake my sister up.

"She gave me this" I dropped the necklace in Sam's palm as we made our way upstairs to Aurora's room.

"That's adora-"

"She said- so you can remember me how can she say that Sam? She's a kid, and she lost hope already" Aurora wasn't in the room yet and the bed was empty, so I laid Daisy on it and covered her.

"She- she said that?" Sam asked in disbelief, I sat on the edge of the bed and caressed Daisy's cheek, I didn't know how to feel, I'm hopeless..

"She thinks I'll forget about her?" I asked in a shaky voice, I leaned my head in my hands and closed my eyes. The pain I felt in my chest was undescribable, the lump in my throat was heavy and it was almost preventing me from swallowing.

I wiped my eyes harshly and stood up to leave the room, Sam right on my tail. I wanted something to take my mind off of things. I walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water and ran face first into Sam's mom. The one who can barely tolerate me.

"The liquor is on the top left cupboard" she said pointing behind her before excusing herself, I made my way there and picked the first bottle I saw. I grabbed a glass and filled it up to the top before downing the whole thing, I felt it burn my throat and chest but it was good enough to help me bury my thoughts.

"Slow down baby" I heard Sam say when I started pouring the second glass, her hand touched mine then she took the bottle from me and slid herself between me and the counter.

"Talk to me, tell me how you feel. Let it out, don't drink the feelings away" she said softly, her hands held my face and gently caressed my cheeks with her thumbs. I leaned my head on her shoulder and sighed, I'd be half way through the bottle now if she wasn't here.

"I accept...that I can't save her"


"I'm feeling a little tired today" my sister said, we've just arrived to the beach and she was sitting on my shoulders, Aurora was holding my hand while Sam and her moms were walking behind us.

"Does something hurt?" I asked worriedly, Aurora and I both looked up at my sister who was smiling down at us.

"My tummy, like always. But it's okay, it goes away" Daisy reassured, Aurora let go of my hand when we reached the perfect spot to sit, close to the water but not close enough to get our stuff wet.

I put Daisy down on her feet and she went to Aurora, they were already in their bathing suits they held hands then quickly ran to the water, well as fast as my Daisy can run and Aurora was being patient as well.

"Don't go too far!" I heard Mrs Falcon, Lilith, yell. She sat the basket with the snacks on the sand then picked one of the chairs to sit down. I took off my shirt, staying in my swimming shorts and sports bra then went to play with the girls.

"I'm gonna wet you!" Daisy yelled and tried to splash me with water, I smiled and made my way to her, she screamed and giggled while she tried to get away. I felt someone jump on my back stopping me for catching Daisy, so I grabbed Aurora by her arms and threw her in the water we were deep enough for her to not hit the ground.

She laughed and squealed then tried to get me again, I knew she wasn't using her strength at all because she let me push her around. I grabbed Daisy and splashed her, she giggled and tried to runaway, I wrapped one arm around my sister and picked her up then threw Aurora on my shoulder.

A few minutes of pushing them around, I decided to go sit next to Sam. She handed me a towel and I thanked her.

"Isn't it too cold for the beach?" Sam asked and ate her chips, she was still in her floral dress. She looked very cute.

"It's not, it's lovely" her mom said, I gave her a glance and she was already looking at me. Why is the woman so damn intimidating, she was tall and pretty and so scary. I quickly looked away from her and focused on Sam.

"You're not gonna swim?" I sat down on the chair next to her, she shrugged her shoulders and ate more chips.

"Don't know, maybe later" I nodded and laid back closing my eyes and enjoying the sound of birds chirping and soft waves, my hand went to the necklace in my neck, the necklace Daisy gave me and smiled, she was such a sweetheart. I could hear the faint voices speaking but I don't pay them any attention and kept my eyes shut.

"L-Lola?" I heard the voice of my sister say and that made me open my eyes so fast, Daisy was standing a few feet in front of me looking paler than usual, her lips were dry and she was holding her stomach with a pained face.

"Daisy? Are you- Daisy?!"

She fell down.

Short and a cliffhanger because I can.



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