Chapter 24

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A few days of ignoring and avoiding each other, even though we see and run into each other around campus. Then Friday came, which is today, the day of our usual meeting, I don't know if she's going to show up or not.

As for my biological mother, she's been calling my number none stop but I didn't pick up, I couldn't do it. I wasn't ready yet. Maybe by the end of the weekend I can call her again, and we'll see what's gonna happen next. If she'll ask to see me or if she'll reject me.

Henry sensed that I was still not okay and he said he was going to do something to make me feel better, at first he said we should go to a club to get drunk but I don't like the club that much so he offered to throw a party at my place and I said no again, but he kept begging and pleading and telling me how much it's going to be fun.

I hate to admit my mistakes...but I accepted.

So Friday night, the day we're supposed to be working on the project, Lola still didn't show up and I don't think she will, people are already getting drunk, they don't even know I own the place they think it's Henry's and I didn't bother to correct them.

Henry's room and mine were locked and going upstairs was forbidden, everyone was either swimming in the pool or on the couch drinking and chitchatting.

As for me..the owner of the house, I was in the kitchen taking a sip of my water. I don't think I'll drink anything alcoholic until everyone is out of my house. The music was all the way up, everyone was having fun, except for me. I was deep in my own thoughts, from one side I was mad at Lola for not coming and from another side I'm mad at myself for snapping at her for no reason.

"Did you invite Chucky?" I heard Henry ask, I looked at him confused.

"What? No I didn't"

"Because she's asking for you, she's outside" he pointed to the door, I stood up and made my way to the living room then to my entrance, the door was already open and I walked out to find Lola leaning on the wall with her supply bag in her hand. She didn't have a plastic bag like she usually did and that made me sad.

"I'll come back a different day, I just wanted to let you know that I came." She said dryly, she didn't even look at me and I couldn't see her face fully since she had the hood on.

"Sorry, Henry decided to throw a party" I explained, she nodded without saying anything. The tension was still awkward, and we just stood there not doing anything. I put my hands in my pockets and rocked myself back and forth, maybe she'd want a drink? I don't know.

"Do you...maybe..wanna come in?"

"I don't know" The elevator door opened and two girls walked out, they were dressed in short dressed that hugged their bodies so good, I think they were from Lola's class. And with that dirty look they just gave me I don't think they like me. I mean I was in my house so I didn't dress up, I was just in an oversized white shirt and shorts.

"Lola? What are you doing here?" One of them asked, Lola touched the tip of her nose something she does when she's annoyed.

"I was about to leave"

"No way you're leaving, we just got here" they grabbed her arms from each side and dragged her inside the house, I sighed and walked in after them, so when I ask her to come in she "doesn't know" but when they do it she walks right in.

They pushed Lola down on the couch and sat down next to her, she looked so annoyed and done with them but wasn't doing anything about it. The one on the right was telling her something while touching on her chest and shoulder. I thought she didn't like it when people touched her?

Broken Strings GxG (intersex) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon