Chapter 3

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Today was the day of our presentation, well my presentation because Lola didn't bother doing her part, I stood in front of the class with my laptop connected to the projector.

"Ms Falcon, you can start when you're ready" the teacher said with a smile, everyone was ready to start taking notes except one single person who was glaring at me from the back of the class.

"My presentation is about Renewable energy and it's ressources, I made sure to explain everything without making it too long and boring"

I started my presentation making sure to go through everything, explaining the important parts. Throughout the whole presentation I felt one pair of eyes burning holes into my skull, I had a feeling who it was but didn't bother looking at her.

"This next part was..." I gave her a glance and she was already staring at me daring me to say it.

"...was someone's. But of course they were too lazy to do it, so I had to do their work" I rolled my eyes and continued explaining.

"Thank you Sam, you may take your seat." The teacher said after I finished my presentation, I gathered my stuff and went to take my seat which was in the middle of the class.

"It's going to ring in a minute, you may leave except for you Ms Collins" he gave us permission and everyone started packing their stuff except for Chucky, Henry waved at me and I smiled waving back. We both made our way out of the room having a normal conversation when I felt someone grab my shoulder and roughly pull me back almost making me fall.

"What the fuck?!" Henry yelled getting between me and Chucky, she looked furious and maybe I had an idea why.

"I'm not talking to you Henry, get out of my way." She said in a calm voice, too calm. Henry pushed her back by the chest and before anyone can react her arm swung fast and she punched him hard making him stumble to the side and fall.

"I don't like repeating myself" she said while looking at him, then her attention turned to me, she took a few steps towards me I didn't move, I was a little scared I admit but I wasn't going to show her that.

"What? You're gonna punch me too? I would love to see you try" everyone gasped hearing me talk back to her,

"You told him I didn't do my part and I didn't care but telling him to give me an F on all my previous projects is unforgivable" she spat, I gave her a confused look. I didn't do such thing, I wasn't in her previous projects, and they didn't concern me, why would I tell the teacher to give her a bad mark in all of them?

"I didn't do such thing!" I yelled back,

"You lying little bitch" she pushed me back hard enough to make me fall on my butt, I watched Henry tackle Lola to the ground and sit on her stomach, he started punching her but she covered her head with her arms.

She pushed Henry off of her and they both stood up, she punched him back harder, she was giving him punches that I only see in mma fights, or ufc fights, she hit him on the side and I knew if she gave him another jab she'd break his ribs, Henry was already injured from football practice and she was making it worse.

So I quickly got up to try and separate them which was the worst mistake because next thing I know her fist collided hard with my cheek. I fell holding my face in pain as my tears started falling uncontrollably.

For some reason everyone around us went quiet, I could hear Henry talking to me but my ears were still ringing from how hard she punched me.

"Sam? Sam?!" Henry held my face in his hands and made me look at him to check on the bruising skin.

"Oh my god, your mom is gonna kill me and her" he whispered, brushing his thumb on my left cheek making me wince in pain. I slowly opened my eyes to find him staring at me worried and scared at the same time, as for Lola, well she was still standing there staring at me disbelief written all over her face.

"What the hell is happening here?!" The sound of our principal startled everyone, the students started scattering away leaving me Henry and Lola with the principal.

"Ms Falcon?! What happened to your face?!" He asked in a panicked as he rushed to my side,

"I- ehm tripped..and hit my face on the pillar"

"Did Henry trip as well? Don't lie to me Ms Falcon, what the hell happened?" He asked looking at Henry's bloody face, he quickly stood up and glared at my friend and Chucky.

"Both of you to my office now! Ms Falcon, go to the infirmary please." He stomped away with Henry on his tail, Chucky was still standing there looking at me like she wanted to say something.

"Collins!" The principal yelled, she turned away and followed after them. I helped myself up and went to the infirmary. It even hurt when I blinked with my left eye, I knocked on the door and waited for the nurse to open.

"Sam? What happened to your face?!" She pulled me inside the room and rushed to fetch an icepack. She held the cold material close to my face and I winced before sighing in relief, it felt a little better.

"My dumbass tried to separate Henry and Chucky ended up catching her fist right to the face" I explained, how am I supposed to tell my mother that Lola accidentally punched me. She'll kill her and mummify her body.

"Not so smart of you"

"I know, can you give me some painkillers please, the pain is giving me a headache."

The nurse let me keep the icepack and gave me some painkillers to ease the pain. I spent the next hour in the nurse's office laying on the bed and trying to find a good lie to tell my parents.

The last bell rung and it was time to leave, I said goodbye to the nurse and went to the parking lot where Eliza and Aurora usually wait for me. When Eliza saw the pack I was holding to my face her eyes widened in horror.

"What the fuck happened?" She said pulling the pack from me to examine my face,

"Oh we're fucked. We're so fucked" she said panicking, I put the pack back to my face and sighed.

"It's nothing Eliza, we had PE and I got hit in the face with a basketball" I said but with the look she was giving me I could tell she didn't believe me. I got in the car and put my seatbelt. Aurora was staring at me curiously, but decided not to ask what happened and I was thankful for that.

"Your heart is beating too fast, she's gonna know you're lying" Aurora whispered as soon as we stopped in front of the house, I nodded and got out. I tried to calm my beating heart and walked inside hoping for the best.

"Hi girls! How was scho- what the fuck?!" My mom cut herself mid sentence as soon as she saw my face, in a second she was right in front of me with a worried but furious look.

"Sam? What is that on you face?!" She asked the obvious question, my mom was so angry and I could feel her hands shake while they held my face.

"I got hit with a basketball during PE, don't worry mom. It's nothing serious" I smiled reassuringly but my heart snitched on me, it was beating too fast and she knew I wasn't telling her the truth.

"Don't lie to me, so I'm going to ask you one more time Sam, who did this?" She asked in a very calm voice, that could send chills of fear through a grown man's body.

"That's what happened mom, it's really nothing" I pulled her hands away from my face and made my way to the kitchen to get some water. My mom was standing in the same spot where I left her, she put her hand out and in a second Eliza appeared and put a jacket on it.

"Mom? Where are you going? Mom!" She ignored my calls and left through the door, before I could go after them the car was already driving away.

God I hope she doesn't find out it was Chucky...

Interesting. So what's gonna happen next?



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