Chapter 5

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"She's going to do something to her, momma. I hate Lola but I know she didn't mean to punch me" It was around three in the morning and mom still didn't come home, I was afraid she was going to hurt the girl.

"Baby, calm down. Your mom knows what she's doing, I know she gets angry and overprotective but she won't do something reckless" my momma reassured, we were sitting in the living room when we finally heard the door unlock. My mom walked in the house looking as unbothered as she can be, and calmer than she was when she left.

"Mom? What did you do?" I asked walking closer to her,

"I didn't do anything, I went to the school to look at the security cameras. It was an accident" she said softly, I didn't believe that was the whole truth because school doesn't end until 3am.

"Mom, please. Even though I don't like Lola and I think she's a disrespectful prick, I don't want you to hurt someone who's not of your strength" Chucky does the same thing, she picks on people weaker than her, she beats them and makes fun of them but it's not the same when a royal vampire hits a human, one punch and she'll break her skull.

"No one is of my strength" I heard her mumble and watched her make her way to momma, she hugged her and kissed her forehead.

"Of course mom, you're not human but she is"

"Sam, relax. I made sure Eliza doesn't hurt her that bad, just shake her up a little." My eyes widened in horror, Eliza is even worse, actually no that's a lie my mom is worse, then aunt Dalida and Eliza third place on the crazy scale.

Last time Aurora was at the park, and this boy pushed her off the swing, of course she had to pretend she's hurt in front of the other humans. Before Aurora could wince Eliza was behind that little boy, at first she started pushing him softly on the swing then she made him swing too hard he flew forward falling on his face. He was 7.

"Oh god, Eliza?! Why did you have to bring Eliza in the picture, she'll kill her and make it look like a suicide" sometimes my mom doesn't use her brain to think of consequences, she lets her emotions take over and ends up making some horrible decisions.

"Surprisingly she was the one telling me not to kill her..." I was about to voice my thoughts when she spoke again.

"..and why do you even care? She's a bully, she deserves whatever comes her way" at this point I didn't even have an argument, I just stared at my mom dumbfounded. I didn't like when the strong pick on the weak, or when the rich pick on the poor, I hated it. It's so unfair, and I wish I could do something about it.

Without saying a word, I made my way upstairs to my room. I was sure this was going to be another sleepless night, it was 4am and I was wide awake. I had another door inside my bedroom that connected to a music room, a place my mom built for me, it was soundproof and it had a couch, a tv, music instruments and small table.

I sighed and turned the lights on, I made sure the door was shut and locked so I don't disturb my parents or my sister then went to the piano. This expensive looking masterpiece was my mother's.

"It's just me and you again" I whispered softly letting my fingers brush on the keys. I put an alarm to remind me what time I had to start getting ready for school and started playing.


Henry and I walked through the school hallway his arm wrapped around my shoulders like always, he had a band aid on his cheek and on his right eyebrow. His lip was busted but he was smiling.

"For someone who got beat up you sure look happy" I said amused, I put some makeup on the bruise on my cheek to not bring any attention to myself.

"That's because I am happy, Chucky got jumped last night and ended up in the hospital. Karma is a bitch huh" Henry said in an excited tone, I closed my eyes shut in disbelief. She said Eliza didn't hurt her that bad, she sent her to the hospital for god's sake.

"How did your mom react to that?" He asked pointing to my cheek, I put my hand to brush against the bruised skin and sighed.

"Went crazy, obviously."

"I have a feeling she sent those guys to beat up Chucky" if only he knew one person did that and not a gang, we sat on the table in the middle of the cafeteria, I wasn't hungry but I was pretty sure Henry was starving.

"Do I get you something?" He asked softly, I shook my head no and he went to go get something to eat, I put my head down listening to my surroundings and before I knew it my eyes strated to feel heavy, I ended up taking a 20 minutes nap until the bell woke me up.

"Have you been getting some sleep lately?" Henry asked, we didn't have class until second hour so we didn't bother getting up.

"Just a little, it's hard to sleep when your brain doesn't want to shut up" I yawned softly, and leaned my head on his shoulder still a bit sleepy.

"That's not good Sam, you're gonna get sick" I didn't feel like talking about my insomnia so I kept quiet, the door to the cafeteria slammed open and to everyone's surprise Lola walked in. Her face was all bruised but looked unbothered with it, I could tell her side hurt because when she walked her left arm wasn't moving, it was stiff. I was truly impressed that she could show up to school after getting a beating for Eliza.

Her eyes were searching all over the place until they found mine, she kept looking at me intensely until I couldn't hold the eye contact anymore. I looked away and leaned my head back on Henry's shoulder.

"How is she even alive?" I heard him whisper, because my mother spared her life. I could feel her burning glares on me but I didn't look back at her, I couldn't. I would feel bad for her, I'd pity her and she doesn't deserve it.

"How unlucky can one be, first she gets an F on all her projects then punches you on accident and gets beat up on the same day" Henry stated which made me think, why would the teacher fail her on all her projects when I specifically told him she didn't do her part and I took care of everything.

"I'll see you later Henry, I gotta go do something"

"Where are you going?!" I picked my bag not bothering to answer him and made my way back inside the building, heading to Mr Watson's classroom. He was a middle aged man who teaches two or three subjects, he is a nice guy and everyone loves him, except Chucky of course. She doesn't like anyone.

"Mr Watson?" I called and knocked on his door,

"Come in" I walked inside the classroom and he was sitting on his desk writing, he looked up at me for a second and smiled.

"Ms Falcon, how can I help you?"

"Ehm you see Mr Watson, about the project, Lola didn't deserve all that. I was angry because I had to do everything..." I started, trying to find words to convince him.

"And it has nothing to do with her old projects, so if you were going to give her a bad grade it should be related to what she did. What you did is unfair" I said, I wasn't afraid to voice my thoughts when I knew what I was saying was the truth, old people don't like the truth specially when it comes from someone younger than them.

"Ms Falcon, it's not about your project, or hers, Ms Collins doesn't pay attention in my class and doesn't care about it."

"But she does her homework?


"And her projects? Right"

"I mean..yes she has to"

"Then you don't have the right to fail her on that part" Mr Watson was staring at me in surprise, like he didn't expect me to defend someone I hate, I do hate her yes but what's unfair is unfair.

We glared at each other for a moment, I was daring him to say something else, he knew I was right. He sighed and rubbed his forehead in frustration.


"Thank you Mr Watson, for being so understanding" this will be the last favor I'll ever do for her, only because I was the cause of it.




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