Chapter 31

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Tuesday came by faster than expected. That night, I drove Lola back to her place and made sure she had everything she needed close so she doesn't have to move around, then I went back to my apartment to rest and think about what happened, we haven't seen each other or spoken since then.

With all the thinking I did, I came into conclusion that I don't I wanna see Faye anytime soon, she was crying and showing signs of guilt, but I didn't feel like any of her emotions were genuine towards me.

"Are you okay?" Henry asked softly making me look up at him, we were sitting in my kitchen eating breakfast that he made for us, I nodded and took a sip of my coffee.

"I will take my own car today, I have to go to my dad's company this afternoon" he explained and wiped the corner of his mouth,

"You coming for dinner?" I picked up my phone and keys then we both made our way out of the apartment.

"Sadly, I won't" Henry said with a sigh, today is Tuesday, Lola will come to the apartment for our project and there will be no Henry to pick a fight with her. Thankfully.

"Don't be sad, I'll be back tomorrow" I rolled my eyes at him and gently pushed him away from me. He smiled and jogged to his car, I waved him good bye and got in mine. At least the two idiots won't end up fighting in my house again.


The morning period went by too fast, for two reasons, one, I was sleepy and half the time I had my head laid on the table and second Howard's class was right after this, and I wasn't looking forward to seeing him.

"Miss Falcon? Can I speak with you after class?" Howard said as soon as I stepped foot inside the classroom, everyone was already in their seats and I was only about a minute late.

"Why?" I found myself asking, I was still standing at the door and Howard was leaning on his desk with his arms folded in front of him.

"Because I said so? I'm your professor and you do as I say" he replied with an attitude, his bubbly and "sweet" personality completely thrown out of the window, I nodded and slowly made my way to Lola who was glaring at our professor. She had clean bandages on her face and hands which was good.

She was in her usual outfit, a black hoodie and grey sweatpants. At this point I was sure she only owns hoodies and sweatpants.

"Hey" I whispered and sat down on my assigned seat, she nodded at me before turning to look at Howard again. He was busy explaining something on his painting, he was trying to show how perspective mattered so much.

"He's starting to show his true colors" I heard Lola whisper, I tilted my head to look at her and she was already looking at me. I took my time to stare into her pretty eyes, they were on me, watching me intensely.

"Yeah, he's weird" I cleared my throat and leaned back on my seat to avoid having my face close to hers, she was intimidating and attractive and it was making me feel things.

"What do you think he wants to talk about?" I asked her to try and ignore the warmth all over my cheeks, she kissed her teeth annoyed and shrugged her shoulders. After that neither of us said anything, we just sat there listening to whatever Howard was saying.

"I'll wait for you outside" she picked up her bag and left the room and so did everyone else. Howard was sitting on his desk waiting for me to go to him.

"Miss Falcon, I've seen the report you and Miss Collins sent me via email the other day, regarding your project" he said without looking at me, I did send him a report about this, it had our names, the subject of our project and a little description concerning it.

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