Chapter 11

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The rest of the week went smoothly, more studying and more lectures from old stuck up professors, I waited for Chucky to show up but she never did and I was starting to rethink what I did. Perhaps I should've given her my number.

Today was Friday, Henry was going to see his parents for the weekend so I'll have the apartment to myself.

"See you Sunday night" he gave me a side hug and walked out the door, I don't think he was still upset about me defending Chucky the other day but he doesn't bring the subject up anymore.

It was around 7pm and I didn't know what to do, I wasn't tired even though we finished class at 5, and I wasn't hungry since Henry and I already ate before he drove us back to the apartment.

The doorbell rung stopping my train of thoughts, Henry must've forgotten something. I jogged to the door and opened it.

"What did you for..get?"

"Hey" Chucky said in a low voice, she was gripping the plastic bag in her hand like it was going to run away.

The redhead was wearing a light purple Rick and Morty hoodie and grey sweatpants, why is she always wearing sweats and hoodies? She looks like she just wakes up and starts making her way to school without changing.

"Can I..come in?" She asked not looking at me,

I stepped out of the way and let her walk in my apartment. She stood at the door awkwardly not knowing what to do. I grabbed Henry's slippers and put them in front of her, Chucky took off her shoes and slid her feet in the slides.

She followed after me and I gestured for her to sit down, without saying a word or looking at me she handed me the plastic bag like she was too embarrassed. But I doubt she has an ounce of embarrassment in her. I hesitantly took it from her but didn't look at what was inside yet.

"Do you want something to drink? Water maybe?" Chucky nodded her head yes, and I made my way to the kitchen. I put the bag on the counter and opened it, it had a chocolate milkshake and a container with mini lemon cakes. Too bad I don't eat chocolate because that milkshake looked so fresh. I put everything in the fridge and grabbed two water bottles.

"Thank you, for the drink and the cakes" I said and handed her the water. She nodded again and took the bottle from me holding it with both hands.

"What are we going to do? Did you think of anything?" I asked sitting in front of her, she grabbed her bag and started looking through it before taking out the same sketchbook from the other day.

"Howard said the art had to mean something, it had to show how we feel. And I don't like you so my painting will probably be about female rage or something of that sort" she said as she flipped through the sketches. She showed me one drawing she was working on and it was of a woman with a expressionless look, you couldn't know wether she was mad or sad, she also had red droplets coming out of her eyes as if she was crying blood.

"Wow so rude, the feeling is mutual" I replied while glaring at her, she rolled her eyes and leaned back on the couch waiting for me to say something else, to agree or disagree with her idea.


"Your idea is tolerable, I guess." I mean her idea was great but I wasn't going to give her that satisfaction,

"Tolerable? That's it?" She asked confused,

"What? You want me to give you a cookie and pat your head as well?" I folded my arms in front of me, she looked at me with a blank stare before biting her inner cheek like she was holding herself from saying something.

"Anyways, your idea is good and we can start by the painting first. What do you think it should be?" I asked, if we wanted this to work, if I wanted this to work, I had to write something that matches her painting.

"The thing I hate the most"

"Me?" She glanced at me for a moment, she either didn't hear what I said or she wanted to confirm it but didn't wanna say it out loud.

"I don't want to paint you" she finally replied sounding a bit disgusted with the words that just left her lips.

"What is that supposed to mean? Am I not pretty enough to paint?" I asked defensively, no one has ever offended me like she just did, she just called me ugly in so many different ways.

"I'm glad you're finally catching up" Lola mumbled under her breath but it was loud enough for me to hear. I honestly don't know how to deal with this woman, she's so mean and doesn't try to hide it.

"I'm gonna pretend you didn't just call me ugly in the heart of my living room.." I stood up and made my way to the piano. I sat down and let my fingers rest on the keys. I was thinking of something to play, something that could express rage, frustration, maybe sadness.

"I'm gonna play something and you tell me what you think" she stood up and walked closer to where I was, she folded her arms and nodded waiting for me to play.

I wasn't trying to play anything "impressive" but with that face she was making, challenging my talent and my ability, I had to play something "impressive" but I'm pretty sure anything I'll play will be extraordinary for her little brain.

So I went with one of my mom's favorite piece's to play.

Chopin,  Étude Op. 10 No. 4

It's an emotionally captivating composition, This Étude challenges you as a pianist with its demanding technical requirements, including rapid fingerwork, precise coordination between the hands, and the ability to maintain a consistent and even tempo.

My fingers moved to play the first notes making her flinch at the sudden burst of melody, it took everything in me not to laugh. I focused back on my fingerwork making sure every key was on point, It requires dexterity, control, and a keen sense of timing to execute the numerous, scales, and trills.

Two minutes later, I took a deep breath and slowly retracted my hands from the keys. I looked up at her with a smirk, I know that was too fast and too mind-blowing for her peanut brain, I could tell from the astonished face she was making she was very impressed.

"Well?" I asked, she blinked a few times to try and gain her focus back, she cleared her throat and went back to being cold and expressionless.

"That was...tolerable" she said mimicking what I said earlier about her idea, I stood up and that's when I realized she was too close to my face. She had her arms in front of her still so they were the only thing separating me from bumping into her chest. I cringed at the thought and quickly shook the idea out of my head.

"I'd love to see you try that, with those slow shaky fingers you have" I pushed past her, she mumbled something but I was already back on the couch so I didn't  hear what she said but I was sure it was a smart remark that would've probably made me upset.

"I am busy all week, except for Friday night. So I'll come back next Friday to work on the project." She said and grabbed her sketchbook from the table and shoved it back in her bag.

"Why not start today?"

"As you can clearly see with your perfectly functioning eyes, I didn't bring anything to paint with. No supplies no nothing" she replied with a big eye roll that I could see from a mile away, why can't she just reply like a normal person?! She could've just said no I'm busy, or no I don't have supplies. Why does she have to be all extra about it?!

"I really don't like your attitude" I stood up to walk her to the door, she put the slides I gave her earlier neatly to the side and started putting on her shoes. When she was done she stood up and looked at me, her green eyes staring into my soul.

"And I don't like your face, but here we are" she gave me a quick fake smile before and left the apartment, I slammed the door shut and huffed.

I really hate her so damn much!

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