Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 16)

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You waited looking at the reflection of you in the mirror. You didn't know you slept this long. You didn't even remember when you fell asleep last night.

You thought wonwoo would go home after eating. But he waited some more time at the balcony, puffing cigarettes. You kept standing beside him though you were sleepy.

You always feel a suffocating pain in your heart. But when wonwoo's around, it goes away. You stood a step closer to him. He was looking at you while smoking. Both of your were silent.

He put his fingers on your hair to feel the softness.

You flinched. Does wonwoo know how much you like him!? Can he feel your face starts burning when he's around?

'You should get a sleep.'

Wonwoo said looking at the sky.

'You will go now?'

You didn't know why you asked that.

'You want me to stay?'

'You want me to stay?'

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'I didn't mean that.'

'My bad. But I think it would be a pretty nice idea.'

He said smiling. Oh it hurts!

You didn't reply.

'I'm off then.'

He said holding your face to peck at your face softly.

You saw him getting down by jumping on the ground. But it looked like he fell off by the loud sound.

'Are you okay?'


When he went to the bike he looked at you before leaving

'Would you stay here if I said so?'

You asked screaming.
You saw him smiling without answering.

 You saw him smiling without answering

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