Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter- 15)

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'Good morning!'

'G-good moring!'

You greeted back to Seungcheol with enlarged eyes. He joking or what!

'May I come inside?'

Scoups entered in your room holding a packet of McDonald's.

You were really surprised because you just were chatting with him and casually you told him that you were hungry. And it's not even ten minutes. Where was he and when did he go there and buy it and he is already here!!?

You still were looking at him making your eyes big. Scoups was sitting on sofa while doing something in phone. He is busy these days as he actually was seeing his dad's business also.

'What happened?'

He asked you seeing you standing like a statue.

'Is anything wrong? Should I not have entered?'

He asked concerned.

'You bought food for me because I told I was hungry?'

'So? Are you not hungry?'

He asked.

'Of course I'm hungry. But how did you-'

'If hungry then why are you talking? Shouldn't you eat first?'

Scoups asked shrinking his eye brows. He really did not get why you still were not eating. You told you were hungry and now you were pretending you never told it to him.

You looked at him for sometime and started eating. You offered him some but he rejected like a busy businessman.

'I ate before coming.'

He started talking in the phone.

It's so random but you noticed you guys were actually meeting in different places. It feels like dating. Though scoups is busy he doesn't say a word if you want to visit anywhere in Seoul or even a bit far from Seoul. He makes your lonely life far better. You noticed one thing that he is not like before. He is the same but you think you were the one who thought him like a bad guy. Ugh you don't know how could he be like that to you. You were thinking about the old scary scoups while eating. You were so into thoughts that didn't realize you were looking at scoups.


Scoups suddenly looked at you and asked what you were looking at, you still were looking at him.

'Are you okay?'

Scoups told making his face near yours. Your nose almost touched his and you realized you were zoning out. Scoups laughed out loud.

'Really? What happened?'

Scoups couldn't hold his laugh.


You felt embarrassed. How could you just looked at him like idiot.

'I'm sorry.'

You told.

'What? Why sorry? You looking so cute. Wait there's-'

He attentively put his finger on your lips and wiped something from your lips. He didn't even clean his finger with tissue after doing it bare hands.

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