Seungcheol- Bad Senior (chapter- 14)

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Who knew Seungcheol's family is this big!? You really got amazed at the lot of people coming. Do they throw party for scoups every year and invite all the people? Oh wow!

You were quite busy with Scoups's mom and stuffs. Scoups's dad was so busy with his works that he couldn't handle this. Whenever any new family member was coming, Ms Choi was introducing you with them, and obviously telling that you are their to be bride. You didn't know what to say, just smiled at them awkwardly when she was saying it.

'Hey wait.'

The whole mansion was so crowded still Scoups found a place to talk to you privately.

'What in the world!?'

You asked Scoups astonished. If someone sees you two like this, oh God!

Scoups made you stand against the wall with your back. He smiled while running his hands through your soft hair.

'What's wrong? Everyone is here.'

'No one would come here.'

You looked at him unbelievably. Why would no one come here? Scoups ran his hand through your face to neck. You shivered at his cold hand on your skin.


You could feel the shiver down your spine when he touched you like that. You thought he would so something wrong with you. You were looking at him with fear in eyes. He made his other hand ran inside of your top. Moreover he was pressing his whole body over yours. Was he making sure to mix his scent on you? What would people think?

'L-let me go.'

'Why? What will you do now?'

'I g-gotta go and r-recieve-'

'I'm telling Jeonghan to do that.'

Scoups noticed you were working hard and also he wanted to see you. 
He glanced at your whole body from head to toe at how amazing you were looking.
He held both of your wrist beside your hair as you were resisting.

'Move your face from me.'

You told as you couldn't take that gaze. You had intense fear of someone seeing you like this.

'Why? Do I stink? I did brush my teeth today.'

'I didn't say that.'

'Oh I see.'

Scoups took some more time watching you that you told

'C-can you please let me g-go?'

He nodded


'Then m-may I go?'


He led you go but held your hand again when you turned.

'What now?'

'Actually I wanted to tell you something?'


You were resisting his closeness.

'Let me go scoups.'

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