Wonwoo- My Strange Addiction (Chapter- 26)

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There was canola around. The sky was shining brightly. You kept looking in the front seeing the beautiful sights. But somehow these things couldn't hold your attention. Your thoughts were occupied to wonwoo, unsure of the fact if you were going to the right direction.

'Getting bored y/n?'

Vernon asked while driving.


'Then what it is? You think this time we are gonna fail finding wonwoo hyung's?'

He said.

'I don't know Vernon. I completely forgot which way I came here with him.'

'No problem.'

Vernon showed something in phone while driving the car.

'According to mingyu hyung where we are going is okay.'

You looked at Vernon. The possibility of seeing wonwoo again made your heartbeat faster than ever. You tried to calm yourself but could not.

'What are we gonna do after getting there Vernon?'

You asked him worried. You were so nervous.

'Who? You and wonwoo hyung? What again? Kiss? I don't know..'

You sighed hearing that

'What if we do not find wonwoo there?'

'... then I think we better go back before sunset. I'm not gonna miss the test tomorrow.'

You looked at him with side eyes. Why so chill?

'Vernon! I'm scared.'

Vernon looked at you and he reacted like

Vernon looked at you and he reacted like

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'Well that was cringe.'

He said.

'Seriously. Even if we find him and- and he doesn't talk to me? O-or-'

'Then I'll talk to him. What news you want to give him?'

You looked outside of the window. The car already entered the countryside

'I don't know Vernon.'

'Then we will just return to Seoul.'

You looked at him and sighed.

'I'm really nervous Vernon.'


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