Seungcheol- Bad Senior (Chapter-02)

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After have your shower you were coming to your room. The girls here living with you, just can't tolerate you. You don't know the reason but most probably they don't like you for seungcheol's sake. You felt they sometimes talk in your back too. These things along with seungcheol's behaviour make you feel disgusted to live like this. You sometimes think you maybe did a wrong thing by coming another country to reach your dream.

These rooms are not big at all, but it's okay for one member. All the other girls here have room mates without you. They just leave you alone. And you like it to be alone, to have your personal space.

While you were about to go to your bed for sleep, you heard a knock on your door. Ahh who will come by this time? You were thinking while going to open the door. Is the supervisor giving a check? Then why did she knock you? Ahh you just thinking too much.

You opened the door and before you gotta know who were them, someone came into your room and closed the door quickly. With your horror you were looking at the man's back side knowing clearly who is the guy.

After seungcheol done with locking the door, he turned to you

'Why did you take so time to open the door?'

He asked you in a shady manner and started walking towards you.

You were about to lose your heartbeat as they were pounding so fast. Your eyes got enlarged at the site of him and now they are looking so helpless, don't know what to do now. Seungcheol is in your room and you can't imagine what can happen next.

Your eyes got teary thinking all the consequences that may occur.

Scoups brushed his hair with his fingers in frustration and said

'You are not answering, what's wrong? '

He became so close to you but yet he didn't stop rather he was walking like you were not there. He was wearing a mask maybe to safeguard himself, as he is now in girls hostel. So his eyes were just be seen behind his beautiful hair. They were looking at your eyes intensely.

You stepped backwards to not to make collision with him.

But he didn't stop and you didn't know when you were pressing your back to the wall. And Seungcheol was standing so close to you smirking.

You flinched by suddenly pressed with the wall and held the wall with your palms to maintain balance, taking a glance to the wall to know what is it. You looked at Seungcheol then with eyes full of tears because of the fearful guy who is standing with inch apart from you. But he didn't make any gap between you suddenly pressing his hard body on your fragile one and putting his both arms beside you, pinned you in between the wall and him. He was looking at you like he was looking at his prey.

You couldn't stand his gaze and cried out looking down.

'W-what h-happened? W-why are y-you here?'

You told him feeling so scared. You stuttered too.

Seungcheol was looking directly into your eyes putting his face opposite yours bending his head down. Your eyes were teary and he also noticed that you were crying while pouting. He brushed your trembling red lips with thumb and grabbed your face afterwards.

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