Find me..

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Hours has passed and no sign of Finney, he has disappeared into the dark where he had always belonged..though he hopes to escape the abyss who will guide him out such a path..?

Finney's pov:

It felt as if every single thing has been broken in my body it felt as if I was slowly riding through a path I had hoped to never see again, I wanted to run off to those with open arms..but it felt as if chains dragged me down and all I could do is stare out the window as the vehicle gets farther from the light I have longed for..I felt as if I had been dreaming and slowly getting pulled back to a reality I wish I hadn't been in, I don't know I hadn't runoff seeking for help as I left the moving vehicle..I can only feel myself get trapped in this cage I wish never existed..words had surrounded my body but I couldn't figure what I could hear..I felt myself get pushed farther into the cage and I didn't bother standing up, I stayed down as I thought "What is point to seek for help and pretend everything is alright? I'm clearly not gonna escape this ever lasting nightmare" suddenly as I thought darkness only could fill my mind I saw a light I didn't expect to see.. "Robin..?" I couldn't tell if my loneliness has finally caught up to me and that u have finally gotten crazy as my mother..?

Robin's POV:
I had watched over Griffin..Griffin seemed as if he's slowly losing control over his life..I don't blame him though, weeks has passed and no sign of survival has emerged suddenly I saw the door opening and I was about to get up and stay on guard but as soon as the door opened it had closed quickly after with a thud, I had watched as if a lifeless corpse had been thrown into this hell hole but as I got closer I had noticed it was Finney..?! He looked as if he had given up if nothing mattered from the start I ran up to him to see if he was injured and as I got close enough I could hear him mutter out my name and he quickly sat up and looked at me with eyes filled up with tears and he leaped onto me crying which alerted Griffin...

Finney's Pov:

I sobbed into Robins shoulder and felt another pair of hands on my back and I noticed it was Griffin..they had held me close for who knows how long..

Vance's POV:
「Few hours before Finney's disappearance」

I had felt my phone vibrate and I thought it was my mother asking why I haven't been home but it wasn't the was Finney..? Finney left with his father..? I seemed skeptical..there's no way Finney would go home with his father willingly right..? I quickly ran to the front desk and asked if they saw a boy with medium curly hair leave, the nurse nodded and I was getting a bit worried and so I tried to describe Finney's father but after doing so they had described a totally different person taking Finney away..?! *I panicked and quickly dialed Finney's sisters number had seemed hours for Gwen to pick up but it had only been 5 minutes the first thing I could say came out in a panicky tone "Gwen did your father get home from the business trip?" It felt as if Gwen wasn't on the other side of the phone until I heard "No..? I'm sure my Dad said he'd be gone for another three come?" I felt my heart drop and I couldn't breathe am I really gonna lose another person I hold dear..? "Gwen..Finney got taken.." before she could even reply back I hung up and ran out the hospital trying to ring Finney but it had reached voicemails several the time I received another call from Gwen I had come across a shattered phone and so I gathered all the parts but each time I tried to some would fall back down and I felt tears in my eyes I suddenly felt a hand grab onto my shoulder and I quickly looked at the was Bruce.. "Bruce..? I..I can't find Finney.." it felt as if my words were stuck in my throat and Bruce's face turned pale and and we quickly headed back to the hospital and into Billy's room..Billy was on his phone on call with Gwen..once Billy spotted us he yelled out "There's no way he would text us that stupid message if he was taken..! He..he definitely didn't..I know he didn't.." 10 minutes had passed and Gwen had arrived crying and yelling at "Where is my brother..?!?" Everyone was nearly crying as Gwen and I remembered I had Finney's broken phone and we scattered it and found Finney's SIM card, Gwen quickly took hers out and replaced it with Finney's.. hours seemed to pass as she tried to upload all of Finney's information and data into hers and luckily it had finally finished..

We all skimmed through it till we saw an address..? We quickly realized it could be a clue but what if we were to late..? We all had agreed to go together which was during the night despite sounding stupid it was the only time Cops wouldn't be preventing us as they weren't there and also Billy's parents keep a close watch on him..

[Hello, I'd like to address that uploading these chapters or whatever has been a slow process as life hasn't well for me, my mental health has slowly deteriorated and crying has taken part of each day I go through, I have completely been out of control of my life and each day seems like a chore for me as I continue and i constantly struggle keeping my relationships together specifically to someone I love, I will try to finish this story as soon as possible but I'm not sure when soon is, I really am grateful for all your kind words and positive feedback, this story was all for fun and it was it really was fun, I enjoyed your support and feedback and I hope all of you guys live a long strong healthy life and achieve things you had longed for, I also want you guys to know life may be unfair but sometimes it helps you meet people you had never thought could change your perspective, even so, don't change your mind set to pretend as if your someone you can't call yourself, love yourself and be yourself as there are people go are willing to love you the way you are so please have fun and enjoy yourself even if it's not enjoyable at the moment, thank you all so much.]

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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