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Finney's pov:
I saw Billy on top of me and he grabbed my collar.. "Finney..what are you doing.?! Don't you see cars driving here..! We can't lose another person today." He said as if he was about to cry..I looked at him and nodded "I'm sorry..it's all my fault." Billy ignored my words and helped me up, he looked really upset and but he smiled at me, I turned to my side and saw Vance he stood there smiling...

「We all met up at Billy's house and tried figuring out what could've happened when suddenly I remembered the van I've been seeing around the block」

"Do you guys think it's the man from before..?"I said a bit hesitant to speak. Everyone looked at me and sighed.. Bruce grabbed my shoulder firmly and smiled at me reassuringly and spoke in a gentle tone "Finney whatever happened isn't your fault..we'll definitely find him, we have to call the cops as a starter." Bruce then got up and grabbed the phone to call the cops..I felt my eyes darting everywhere and I couldn't help but grab my phone to text Gwen..

Messages between Gwen and Finney :)

Gwen- ★

☆-Gwen I need help ASAP..!! (9:20pm)
★- What's the problem Fin?(9:21pm)
☆-One of my friends possibly got kidnapped and I need help..(9:21pm)
★-In what way Fin..?(9:24pm)
☆-well..Can you try using your dream thing to find him...please? (9:25pm)
★-Fin I don't think that's how it works but I'll try to see if I can get anything tonight..(9:27pm)

I was hoping that Gwen's abnormal dream powers
Can find Robin..I felt scared and worried, I got up and looked out the window it was raining..it was heavy rain, I looked at the group who seemed very panicked..pacing back in forth. After an hour or so everyone tried going to bed hoping Robin is playing some dirty trick..but I couldn't sleep at all, as everyone fell asleep I got up..I slowly walked out the room and down the stairs, I saw it was still raging really hard so I took a deep breath and grabbed a rain coat laying out.

I left the house with my phone and flashlight along with a little pocket knife on the kitchen counter, I got on a bike and rode around seeing if I could find the van or clues of Robin, as I rode around I heard my name being called..I stopped the bike and looked around and saw no one, I felt my head making hallucinations so I quickly continued riding around, It was already 1:20am in the morning and barley anyone out, as I continued riding around my breaths came out as shallow pants, I was near a familiar street and so I kept going and I wiped the sweat and rain off my face and as I looked back a familiar figure was in front of me and I tried stopping my bike but failed miserably and I fell off my bike.

As I hit the ground hard I felt a ringing in my ear, I covered my ears and looked up seeing my mom..?

Sorry it's extra short😞

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