Questions (edit)

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[HELLO EVERYONE I WANT TO THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT AND ALSO I ABSOLUTELY THINK ONE OF YOU GUYS ARE HILARIOUS IN THE LAST PART WHEN THE ROPE PART CAME IN!😭] {this will probably be the last part for today because I have school tomorrow but, I will try posting two parts everyday few days!}

Vance's POV:
From the corner of my eye I can see someone walking towards me and out of nowhere someone grabs my face and forcefully made me face them, I was in shock until I saw Bruce's face, Bruce quickly hugged me as I heard him sigh in relief and as I glance over to Blake he was picked up by robin.

Billy's pov:
I can't seem to understand what Vance screamed about but from all I know it was probably due to his bleeding arm. I help griffin by putting his arm over my shoulder but since we have a huge difference of height he most likely were to be hanging onto me which I didn't mind but as everyone helped out the other three out of nowhere Mimi escaped my grasp and ran to Finney but Mimi jumped onto the tree that Finney was behind and Mimi just kept barking at it which I so grabbed onto her leash and dragged her up making sure I don't hurt her.

~away from the forest~
As everyone leaves the forest I can't help but worry why Finney acted in such a manner but aside from everything it's better to ask about Finney's life well of course if he's comfortable.
Everyone arrives back to my house but as I analyze everyone a bit more carefully everyone had a few scratches mostly the three who fell so we put the three on the couch and I started taking out the first aid kits from my bathroom sink and passed it to Bruce since he knew how to use them the most.

Everyone got there wounds clean so I decided to ask Finney "So um Finney can we know about your life before you came to this town?" Finney seemed very distracted and started fidgeting with his fingers and he slowly said "I'm not sure, but can I talk to Vance?" I glanced over to vance who seemed shock that someone would speak to him alone that was other than us.

Vance pov:

I watch as everyone heads to Billy's room leaving me and Blake together which made me a bit uncomfortable but not because Blake seems like a weird kid but because I don't wanna scare him off like I do to other people.

I glance over at him and he suddenly blurts out "you saw her didn't you..?" I felt uneasy which I nodded and he asked "you have questions of what you saw don't you? I then proceeded to nod and so I asked him "what exactly happened there and who was she." He seemed hesitant but he then spoke once again "the woman there..was my mother she killed herself." I felt my heart drop and I didn't know how to react, I didn't know if I should act shock or sympathy and he continued "before I moved my mom wasn't an ordinary person, she could see and hear thing no normal person should and unfortunately it passed through the bloodline to me and my sister." He paused and looked at me giving me a slight weak smile and once again continued "my mom would hear the voices so frequently it made her insane to the point she offed her self.. and I, I feel like it's my fault if I didn't ignore the signs of her talking about voices maybe she would still be here and I wouldn't-" I decided to cut him off by gently placing my back hand to his forehead checking his temperature. "You have a fever" I said and I slowly pushed him down to a laying position.

I could tell he was embarrassed by giving a small tint of pink and so I grabbed a blanket and placed it over him and he then said "Vance am I.. am I abnormal?" I see his eyes fill with tears which made me feel a bit saddened, he reminds me of a little brother I always wanted other then griffin he's a little shit but in a good way I guess. I sat on the edge of the couch "no Blake  you aren't, everyone is normal in there own way." I say, I could see him tearing up "even though I can see and hear things people aren't supposed to? Vance I've seen my mothers corpse every once and while now.. I know I'm not Normal I've never been.." I could hear his voice waiver as he spoke so I decided to tell him what my mom says to me "well Blake  everyone is abnormal but that's what makes them the normal, you are the  most normal person I've seen so far in my group" I heard him giggle  he quickly said "call me Finn" and he suddenly fell asleep.

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