Trouble makers

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[Wahtyssmmm for the views and votes, I'm sooo sorry if this doesn't make sense if it doesn't I'll re write it 😆🫶]

Robins pov:

I got into my first periods class which was math the worst subject that I could ever take, not only did I suck at it the teacher would call on my on purpose to get people staring but recently I've met a kid named Finney Blake he's pretty good at math in my perspective when I glance over at him a few times, he's a nice and beautiful person.

Yet again the teacher has called me again I looked at her with annoyed eyes and I felt Finney slide a piece of paper under my arm and I checked over at it and I noticed it was the answer for the stupid question my teacher asked me to answer, I smirked and told her the answer she looked all surprised and continued teaching I looked over at Finney to see him working as usual I poke him and he looked over at him, he somewhat glowed as if he fell from the sky and was a angel, Of course in a friend way I guess but I mouthed thank you to him and he smiled it kind of made me flustered but I quickly asked him if he could tutor me.

Finney's Pov:

I saw Robin mouth Thank you towards me and I smiled at him and I've noticed his cheeks turning a little red which made me smile more he then asked me if I could tutor him which I didn't seem to mind so I've agreed and he looked a little surprised and started smiling right after but out of no where Billy tapped our table which made me and robin look over and Billy had a small note telling us to stop having a lovey dovey scene for so long unless we wanna get in trouble I felt my face get hot as I see Robin grab the paper and crumple it up and throw it at Billy's head which made Billy turn around and look at Robin giving him the middle finger a few seconds after the teacher yelled at Billy to stay outside till class finished which then robin started laughing making robin also get sent outside, I looked at the teacher who was already looking at my direction so I might as well join Billy and robin since I already knew what she was teaching.

3rd pov:

Finney didn't know what exactly what to do so he decided to just pick up his bag and started walking out the classroom which made Mrs. Anderson question Finney on why he's leaving when there is 20 mins in class left, Finney turned around to say "well since I've already learned this then there isn't any point being in this dumb class." Mrs Anderson was shocked and just said she'll be signing harder homework for him and if he couldn't do it he'll have to stay 10 mins back after class everyday.

Finney walked out the classroom seeing robin and Billy cursing each other out or that's what Finney thinks since robin is just speaking Spanish in a aggressive tone but Billy saw Finney walked next to them which then they all started having a conversation for a few mins till they heard the sound of shoes walking towards them 「high heels」 everyone panicked since it could've been the dean or a the principle so they made a run for it as they were running robin turned around ti check who it was when suddenly he fell into a trash can which made Billy stop and started pushing the trash can since robin couldn't get out.

As Billy pushed the trash can Finney was ahead of Billy so he could open the doors to continue running they passed by a bathroom which suddenly Bruce and Vance came out of due to Finney and Billy running with trash can robin, robin told Vance to run since the dean is  behind them soon after they heard that Vance and Bruce joined the group from running away they saw the exit doors and griffin near by since griffins first class was there so Vance quickly swooped griffin off his feet and started carrying him which griffin started screaming as finney and his friends made it out the door the trash can suddenly flipped over making robin fall out and falling face first, everyone stopped to laugh and robin till the dean started screaming from afar which made everyone run into the streets away from school grounds.


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