Similar Van

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Finney's pov:

I had awoken from the sound of barking which had startled me, but I had come to a realization that I'm in Billy's house. So I sat up feeling my leg go full numb on me due to my realization both Griffin and Robin are leaning on it, I couldn't help but laugh a little.

I slowly walked towards the door and moved Mimi aside so she wouldn't jump on whoever or whatever's out the door.

I opened the door currently seeing a man peeking through the kitchen window.. I paused at the door looking quite confused and disgusted, I felt quite awkward since the man had not notice me yet and still peeking through the window. I had broken the silence by coughing which made him flinch and slowly turned to his head to me.

He gave an eerie smile and so I decided to close the doors, but as I was about to close the door since I heard someone heading downstairs he had grabbed my hand and started stroking it with another. I felt chills down my spine and as I was about to scream out I hear a sudden voice behind me saying "Mimi attack!" Which I then see the man in-front of me fall onto the floor being chomped on by Mimi.

I looked in shock and felt a bunch of weight lean onto me, as I see who's beside me it's Billy.
Billy had started laughing watching the man scream in pain as Mimi bites the hand he had touched me with, it's like watching tug of war but with an alive toy screaming for it to be spared. Everyone had heard the commotion and ran down the stairs/ran to the door and checked what was going soon making a bunch of Billy's neighbors to check the commotion as well. Many people had started to crowd watching the man get dragged around by his shirt making many people laugh around. As soon as Billy told Mimi to yield she had ran to me and sat next to me smiling.

I couldn't help but laugh with the people but as soon as the man got up he had pushed through the crowd and went into his Van, which I had then realized *that's the Van I saw yesterday night!* I was weirded out since it didn't seem like the man had any business to be in Billy's house. The crowd that was formed had disappeared overtime causing all of us to also head back in.

Everyone had started cheerfully laughing about the incident while I watched around.

"Finney who was that man and why was he at the door?" Asked Bruce I shrugged my shoulders since I really didn't know, Billy had then asked "why was he grabbing your hand, quite a wacko!" Everyone was confused and I had responded with "he might've gotten the wrong house or something, he looked pretty old anyway..!" Everyone laughed as Griffin added "he looks like those rotten apples that you find in someone's school locker!" Which made everyone continuously make comments of the man for 20 mins till we heard a phone ring.

I had quickly ran to the phone and picked it up and before I could've answered with a *good morning* till I had heard a girls voice which was Gwen's voice?!? I had come to wonder what Terrance had done to ruin the  mood.

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