Forty Eight

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To say Carter was excited was an understatement. He was mildly convinced he was the only person in the world who didn't find the pre-holiday preparations stressful.

"You do need to pack at some point my love." Carter pointed out as he put his last pair of socks into the suitcase they were sharing.

"Yeah, but you always tell me I do it wrong." Artemis replied stretching out on the bed.

"That's because you don't fold your clothes and just throw them in." Carter pointed out.

"Life's too short to fold clothes." Artemis replied.

"And I know you wholeheartedly believe that. But life has other ideas." Carter swatted at his boyfriends ankle. Said boyfriend rolled his eyes.

"Will you do it for me?" He asked, cueing the puppy dog eyes.

"No because you'll complain I didn't pack the right things."

"Because you don't! Last time we went away you didn't pack me any hoodies."

"I didn't see the point because you always steal mine."

"And the others always steal mine, that's why I pack them."

"Artie come on."

"You're the only one packed anyway."

"We leave tomorrow, I don't want to be running around at the last minute."

"We will anyway, Travis doesn't have a concept of time."

"Don't blame this on Trav." Carter shook his head. "It's not just him."

"It's most of us." Artemis agreed. "Kit, Tye and Alex are out anyways, so it's not like they'll be packed anytime soon."

"I wish he'd let us go with him." Carter siad wistfully.

"Not a chance, Kit and Alex had to fight him to let them go." Artemis replied. "There's no way he would have brought any more of us."

Tye was picking up his a level results, and had been nervous the previous night, worrying about how he had failed. Carter had done his best to assure him he hadn't failed, but he had no idea how well Tye had done, what subjects he had taken or what he wanted to do next. Not that he was going to push him to make any sort of decision until he was ready.

"He was so nervous, I hope it goes well." Carter sighed. Of course the fear that Tye would decide to go to university away from them didn't make it any easier, but he would support whatever decision he made, no matter what. Although he was certain that Tye would have mentioned wanting to go to university if he did, and Carter was happy if he did absolutely nothing for a year as long as it was what he wanted. He loved providing for his boyfriends, it made him feel useful, he liked being the provider and the fact that he could always made him feel on top of the world. As long as they were happy he would do anything for them.

"It will, he's so smart." Artemis had none of Carter's anxieties, he always had every confidence that they would succeed.

"I know, I just... the last one of my boyfriends I actually went through this with was you." Carter pointed out with a sigh.

"And we're ancient, they've all changed now." Artemis laughed. "Come here." He held his arms out and Carter couldn't stop himself climbing over the bed to curl up against his boyfriends chest. "Everything's going to be fine."

Artemis was his rock, Carter had long since accepted he probably would be lost or an emotional wreck without him. He felt Artemis tighten his hold on him and looked up at him.

"You're thinking too hard." Artemis replied.

"I can't help it." Carter replied. Artemis chuckled.

"I know." He kissed the top of his head. "I love that you care about us so much, but you don't need to worry."

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