thirty eight.

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"And you're sure about this?" Jordan asked as he parked the car in front of the grey concrete building. "And you're sure you don't want me to go with you?"

"I'm sure, thank you for taking me." Tye nodded.

"Of course." Jordan replied. "Anything at all, just call."

Tye nodded and got out of the car, giving his best friend one final wave before heading into the building.

The waiting room was unassuming, chairs spread out around the walls of the room and in rows down the middle. The woman at the reception desk looked so bored Tye almost felt sorry for her.

"Hi, I'm here to visit someone." He said, his voice shaking.


"Tyler Crawford."

"Here, second door on your left, make sure your phone is turned off." She passed him a visitor badge and went back to staring dismally at the wall.

Tye stuck the badge to his hoodie, turned off his phone and opened the door as he was buzzed in by the intimidating man on the other side of the door.

The second door on the left led to a large space with tables and chairs. Many people and their families were talking quietly.

He spotted who he was looking for over in the corner, they sat together, both wearing the uniform, of what looked like scrubs but a lot thinner and less comfortable looking.

He slowly began his walk over to them. The elder noticed him before the younger did.

"Tyler?" He was engulfed in strong arms that couldn't help but feel safe. "You came!"

"Yeah." Tye replied quietly as he was immediately hugged by the other one.

"Does this mean you forgive us? We never meant to hurt you Tyger."

"I don't know." Tye replied, he wanted to, these were his brothers, but he had given them chances before. They had hurt him so many times, they were supposed to protect him, but he always ended up hurt.

"What happened?" Tanner took his hand to inspect one of his bandages.

Tye froze, he didn't know what to do. Did he tell them everything? Or did he lie, what would be the point of lying though?

"Tye?" Tucker frowned. "What the fuck have they done to you?"

Tye sighed, he sat down carefully at the table his brothers had been sitting at, and then he told them. About the camping trip, about the attack, his breakdown, everything.

Both of them froze, Tucker sat on the chair beside him, whilst Tanner crouched down infront of him, taking his hand again.

"They're dead aren't they?" Tanner said. "The ones that were found murdered."

Tye nodded.

"That was them, wasn't it, they orchestrated that."

Tye nodded.

"I don't want them to hurt you Tye." Tucker said, Tye looked over at him. "Are you sure you know what they're capable of?"


"We can't protect you if you don't tell us the truth." Tanner added.

"We've been shit, I get it, but you're our little brother, we care about you." Tucker explained. Tye looked down at his hands.

"They wouldn't hurt me."

"Not intentionally." Tanner agreed. He sighed. "As long as you're sure about them."

"I am."


Tanner hugged him again, it was tight as much as it was gentle, like he could keep him from the world.

"Our Lawyer is coming by in a bit, do you mind?" Tucker asked, Tye shook his head, although he thought it was a bit odd, he didn't question in.

They talked for a bit, he told them how Jordan had kept his guitar and how he'd started playing it again, they were intrigued of this, knowing how much he loved his music when he was younger.

An official looking man in a grey suit joined them a while later and seemed delighted to see Tye.

"And you must be Tyler! I've heard so much about you."


"Do you mind if I ask you some questions? About the charges you're pressing against your brothers?"

Tye frowned. "I'm not pressing charges." Tanner put his arm around him, holding him tightly.

"Oh." The lawyer looked at him in interest, he seemed almost smug and Tye was finding him unsettling. "Well now that's interesting."

"You're really not pressing charges?" Tucker asked gently. Tye shook his head.

"Of course not, you're my brothers." Tye sighed. "I want you in my life, it'd my fault it all went wrong, I should have just answered your calls, I was scared."

"Its not your fault Tye, we made mistakes too." Tanner said gently. "We didn't mean to hurt you."

"I know." Tye paused, trying to gather his thoughts. "I've been blaming you for a lot of stuff that wasn't your fault, we went through a lot together, because of mum. I shouldn't blame you for what she did."

"We did leave you with her, and we're sorry for that, we didn't have a lot of money and we wanted a nice place for you to stay." Tucker said. "I know I scared you, I just wanted to know you were safe."

"I should have answered you, there was no reason for me to act that way." Tye said. Tanner, who had been holding him gently, smiled.

"We'll fix this." He said firmly. "But... you're really not pressing charges?"

"No, I haven't even talked to a police officer." Tye replied. "Why? Is what bad?"

"Well, if you're not pressing charges, someone is... and they're claiming to be you." Tanner explained.

"Oh, why would anyone want to be me?"

"Don't worry, we'll get it sorted." Tucker smiled. "When this is all over, why don't we try again?"

"Okay." Tye agreed, he wanted a relationship with his brothers. If he couldn't trust them, then he really had no family left.

"I really missed you kiddo!" Tanner said, it was almost a sigh. Tye smiled back.

"I missed you too."

"How did it go?" Jordan asked as soon as he got into the car later that afternoon. Tye nodded.

"Really well."

"I'm proud of you mate, I know that wasn't easy." Jordan clapped him on the shoulder. "How about pizza?"

"Sounds good." Tye nodded. Jordan pulled out of the car park and back towards town.

"You alright?" Jordan asked, opening the window to let the breeze force out the stuffy air trapped in the car.

"Yeah." Tye nodded, but he couldn't stop the bubble of guilt from building in his stomach. "Course I am."

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