thirty five

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When Alexis and Noah emerged for breakfast, they at first thought they were the first ones up, until the found Tye and Carter curled up on the sofa, Spongebob Square pants playing on the TV. Both were asleep, Tye in Carter's lap, the man tightly holding onto him.

Noah gasped and snapped a picture, sending it to the house group chat labelled 'cuties'.

"They're so cute." Alexis smiled before going to make a pot of coffee. "Do you want a cup of tea?"

Noah rarely drank coffee, he was a tea lover at heart, saying tea had better vibes. He nodded at Alexis' question. "He looks so relaxed." Carter had been so worried about all of them lately, it was nice to see him look so unbothered.

"Yeah he does." Alexis nodded. "Come on, I don't want to wake them."

"Where are they?" Artemis asked as he snuck downstairs in his gym gear. He paused in the doorway to the living room. "Aww."

"Eat." Noah said pointedly as he started making Artemis' protein shake for him. Artemis rolled his eyes and took a bite of an apple.

"Yes mother."

"Artie!" Noah shook his head at him. "My nerves can't take getting another call saying you passed out because your blood pressure dropped so badly."

"It was one time!" Artemis defended himself. He had low blood pressure and didn't always look after himself, he had only passed out a couple of times but it was terrifying for his lovers.

"And I don't want it to happen again." Noah passed him his shake and kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you too." He kissed him back and then pulled Alexis into a hug. "I love you Alex."

Alexis giggled. "I love you too."

"Call me if anything happens, I'll be two hours tops."

"We'll be fine." Noah promised. "Go on, the sooner you go, the sooner you come back."

Artemis smiled at them, took one last look at Tye and Carter before heading out the door.

"I'll make Carter a coffee, what about Tye?" Alexis asked, passing Noah his tea and pouting two cups of coffee.

"I'll make him up a bottle of water, I don't want him to throw anything up." Noah replied, pulling a water bottle, one with a rubber straw attachment and filled it with water from the brita filter in the fridge. "He ate when Clarke was here, but I'm not sure when he did after that."

"Poor baby." Alexis sighed. "I just want him to be okay."

"He will be, we're gonna help him though it." Noah nodded. "He's ours and we aren't going to let anything happen to him."

Alex smiled and nodded. "Yeah, we'll look after him."

Noah pulled him into his arms. "Of course." Alex smiled.

"I don't want to wake them." He sighed.

"I'll do it, they'll feel worse if they sleep all day." Noah sighed. He felt bad, but he knew he was right.  He took the coffee and water bottle into the living room and shook Carter awake first. "Alex made you coffee."

"Thank you love." Carter smiled at him, gently waking Tye up. The boy stirred, rubbing his face against Carter's shoulder before opening his eyes, smiling at Noah.


"Hey baby." He passed him the bottle of water.

"Thank you." Tye took it and waited for Noah to pass the coffee to Carter before reaching up and kissing his cheek.

"Someone's in a good mood." Noah laughed, hugging the boy tightly.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Noah smiled. "Sit down baby I want you to rest." Tye nodded and sat back down. Carter smiled and put an arm around his shoulders.

"Mmkay." He took a sip of his water.

"Good boy." Noah grabbed the boys chin to kiss him. Tye blushed and suppressed a little giggle. "You're so cute." He left to go back to help Alex in the kitchen.

"How are you feeling?" Carter asked as he sipped his coffee.

"Guilty." Tye replied honestly. "All I've done is worry you."

"No, baby you can't think like that." Carter sighed. "We're always going to worry, but that's not your fault, it's because we love you. We just want you to be safe."

"I don't want you to get hurt." Tye sniffled. He must have said it a hundred times by now, but it was like he couldn't stop saying it. He wanted it to be true so desperately he was trying to talk it into reality.

"I know baby." Carter kissed his head "you could never hurt us."

"Good morning." Travis smiled as he entered the room hand in hand with Kit, both had a cup of coffee made by Alexis.

"Morning loves." Carter smiled at them.

"Morning." Tye smiled before taking a sip of water.

"Morning." Kit put down his coffee and rubbed his eyes. He wasn't usually much of an early riser.

"Riley not down yet?" Carter frowned.

Kit nodded. "He went for a shower."

"What do you want to do today?" Alexis asked, he and Noah had made a plate of toast for everyone, including Artemis and Riley. They handed the food around, Alexis sitting down beside Tye and Noah beside Kit.

"Can we go outside?" Tye asked, his eyes bright.

"You're gonna have to put some clothes on first baby." Carter joked, rubbing Tye's bare leg, right by the knee. He didn't want to touch him right on the thigh in case it set him off. He was once again just in his underwear and a hoodie.

"I thought you liked my ass." Tye pouted, his eyes innocent with a cheeky gleam.

They all started laughing.

"Tye you crack me up." Travis said, holding his ribs as he laughed.

"I heard something about Tye's ass." Artemis said as he entered the room making them all laugh harder. Alexis passed him a cup of coffee.

"Artie you're back already?" Riley asked, his blonde hair still wet from his shower. He collected his breakfast from Alexis and sat in one of the arm chairs.

"Yeah, wasn't the best session." He replied.

"I'm sorry." Riley pouted.

"It happens Ri, don't worry about it." Artemis shrugged.

"So where do you want to go?" Kit asked, sipping his coffee.

"Not too far." Tye replied. Carter nodded, he didn't want to be far from the house either, just in case.

"Why don't we go down to the lake?" Artemis suggested. "Its quiet, no people and not far from home."

"That sounds nice." Alexis nodded. "It'll be nice just to spend time together."

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