Forty Seven

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Tye awoke in Kits arms as he most often did, he had missed call from an unknown number, but figured it was probably spam and just blocked it.

He shifted but soon froze as he felt something hard against his ass. Kit was hard in his sleep. It wasn't the first time he felt it, Tye moving in his sleep probably didn't help, but they hadn't spooned in a while and he hadn't expected it to effect him.

He knew it was just Kit, his boyfriend still asleep, but he couldn't help the panic building in his throat. Kit would never hurt him, he knew that, he knew Kit would never force his way into his body, never hold him down whilst he screamed for him to stop. But he still felt his captors hands all over him.

The problem was he was horny as fuck and he wanted to have sex with his boyfriends, play with the new toy they got him, pleasure them, hear them moaning his name, but the ghosts of his captors, his... He couldn't even think the word let alone say it. It had taken a deal of convincing for him to understand that he hadn't cheated, that being attacked that being raped wasn't cheating. He shuddered at the thought, he hated that word, it reminded him of how dirty he felt, how desperately he had scrubbed at his skin in the shower after until it was red raw and he was sobbing and Jordan picked the lock and just held him and cried too because he understood. He was hurt too.

He wished he was as strong as his best friend. But he was weak, despite not pressure coming from his lovers he felt like he had to be intimate, he had to want sex. He did want sex he was just... Scared.

Scared of the ghostly hands that held him down and forced their way into his body. Scared of the man who had decided to bite him on his turn.

He had loved when Noah marked him, left no doubt that he was his.

But the bite marks had stared at him, daring him to be anything but the toy they'd turned him into. He wasn't even sure how many times... He'd fallen unconscious after the first three, the third, the biter was the roughest, hitting him whilst he pushed his way in, slamming his head against a rock as he tried to get away. Laughing as he wailed for help and sticking his tongue down his throat as he screamed.

All he wanted was his boyfriends. Maybe their touch would chase the ghosts away. Maybe they could show him how to feel pleasure again.

He shifted again in Kits grip, almost getting out of his arms when his boyfriend, groggy from just waking up grabbed him and pulled him back close. Tye expected himself to panic, but despite the strength Kit has used to pull him there was no force, his touch was still gentle, still loving. "You're not going anywhere." He murmured.

"Kitty?" Tye ventured.

"Yeah sweetheart?"


Kits eyes widened. "Christ baby I'm so sorry, are you uncomfortable?" He began to move away, but Tye stopped him.

"No, I... Do you want me to help?"

"Are you offering to suck my dick this early in the morning?"

"Only if you want to." Tye looked away, did Kit not want him?

"Of course baby, the day I say no to having my cock in your mouth is the day I clearly need to be put down." Kit smirked leaning down to kiss him. "Where do you want me?"

Tye blinked and pulled the covers down. Kit was only in his boxers and was already hard, he was making this easy for him. He could help but stop and stare at his boyfriend.

"Like what you see baby?" Kit smirked. Tye loved it when he called him 'baby' more than when he called him sweetheart.

He couldn't help the blush that spread across his cheeks as he nodded. He gripped the waist band of Kits boxers and pulled them down, he couldn't stop himself from smiling, running a finger up Kits thigh making him shiver.

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